GM Assistant

Newbie Spellweaver
Dec 16, 2006
Reaction score
Hello. I am opening a new server soon. I was wondering, just out of curiousity, does anyone have a manual for the GM Assistant NPC?

+ Also, I'm looking for someone who wants to help me set up Account Registration via my website. Anyone who can help will be greatly appreciated and will be recognized in the server. Thank you so much,

AIM- Ragnarok HGM
MSN- [email protected]
EMAIL- [email protected]
I used to have a manual with that info but I dont think I do anymore... so here is what I can do for you:

LAST USER - Post the name of the last user of the assisting GM.

SHOUT <text>
- Send a message as if it came from the assisting GM.

DELETE or SELF-DESTRUCT - Removes assisting GM.

SET PORTAL [A-Z] TO X, y, Z (coordinated) - Configure a dynamic gate usable. There are 26 dynamic gates on the whole, corresponding to each letter of alphabet (A to Z). All these gates can be used independently.

For example: SUMMON MONSTER portalX AT 2500, 500, 0 - That will summonera the gate