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i think in server activate same as PW, in ptemplate or like file
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i think in server activate same as PW, in ptemplate or like file
1. Create a destop shortcut to the game.exe file. This file is in the Update folder.
2. Right-click the shortcut and select Properties.
3. In the Target box window, add the following text:
game:pw console:1 sepfile
Super GM Codes
Level Up:
d_c2scmd 2000
GM Weapon:
d_c2scmd 10807 782
GM Armor:
d_c2scmd 10807 5769
GM Pants:
d_c2scmd 10807 15329
GM Shoes:
d_c2scmd 10807 4524
GM Ring:
d_c2scmd 10807 8851
GM item to warp to instance area:
d_c2scmd 10807 23467
Normal Weapon Codes:
Lv60:28323-28326, 28351-28354
Lv70:28331-28334, 28359-28362
Warp to Map Location:
d_c2scmd 2008 <map number> <x> <y>
d_c2scmd 1988 10000000000 [amount]
Soul Coins:
d_c2scmd 1989 [amount]
Spawn Item Onto Ground (Use this code to spawn "stacks" of items):
d_c2scmd 10800 <ID> <Amount desired>
Spawn a single Item Into Bag (Use this code when you need to spawn a Pet Egg):
d_c2scmd 10807 <ID>
Spawn a monster:
d_c2scmd 10802 <MonsterID> <Num> 0 0
Expand bag:
d_c2scmd 2016 96
See Server Date/Time
Change Z axis
d_c2scmd 2012 740404 xxxx
d_c2scmd 10803 66
Level Pet
d_c2scmd 5003
Talent Reset Item
d_c2scmd 10807 13227
d_c2scmd 1999 XX - Where XX = a number 1-34
(32=Socialite, 33=Adventurer, 34=Merchant)
Reputation Points
d_c2scmd 10807 4494
Job Points
d_c2scmd 10807 4495
Advance Server Era:
d_delcmd 1988 5000000
Guild Bid
Start: d_delcmd 2010 1
Finish: d_delcmd 2011 1
Guild Base Funds: d_c2scmd 9001 Amount e.g. d_c2scmd 9001 100000
d_c2scmd 9001 -100000
Guild Zeal: d_c2scmd 9002 Amount
Guild Base Resource Value: d_c2scmd 9002 Type# Amount (Type# 1~4)
e.g. d_c2scmd 9002 2 50000
Guild Construction Quest Amount: d_c2scmd 9003 Amount
Individual Contribution and Guild Contribution: d_c2scmd 9004 Amount
Economy = d_c2scmd 9000 1 50000
Magic = d_c2scmd 9000 2 50000
Amor = d_c2scmd 9000 3 50000
Civilization = d_c2scmd 9000 4 50000
Faith: = d_c2scmd 9000 5 50000
The Command for completing construction: d_c2scmd 9003 200
Leaf of World Tree
d_c2scmd 2014