GM Commands

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Newbie Spellweaver
Oct 26, 2006
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hey i got a request from anyone who can help me. who knows the GM Commands for Pristontale? and before you guys tell me to do a search, i only want the /Lee commands. but not in english, i want em in korean. does anyone have em? if so please post em here for me. thanx
admin level 1
/expup "Number" ;Expup is used to gain exp ingame but causes error due to gaining exp to rapidly.
/field "1-31" ;Field command is used to teleport between maps at anytime. A list of all map numbers is below.
/LeeShotKeyReset ;Resets skill shortcuts.
/LeeForce ;Cancel Force Orb, which you use.
/LeeResetRankUp ;Resets your char back to Tier 1.
/LeeHelpMeStat ;Resets your stats.
/LeeHelpMeSkill ;Resets your skills.
/LeeWhereIs "Username" ;Maybe shows location of chosen user.
/LeeResetQuest ;Resets Quests.
/Lee3thRankUp ;Clears 3rd Rankup Quest.
/Lee4thRankUp ;Clears 4th Rankup Quest.
/Lee5thRankUp ;Clears 5th Rankup Quest.
/PassRankUp ;Ranks Your Character up.
admin level 2
~/get_event_level ;Get Event Level command's purpose is not yet known.
~/get_guid ;Get Guid command returns clan information for the server.
~/dm_info ;DM Info command's purpose is not yet known.
~/get_money ;Get Money Command returns a message with total gold on server in players accounts.
~/show ;Makes admin character visable after using the Hide command.
~/hide ;Makes admin character invisable.
~/free_blackuser "Accname" ;Unblocks specifyed account from ban.
~/reset_blackuser ;Clears all blocked users in server.
~/show_blackuser ;Returns a list of all blocked accounts on server.
~/set_castle_tax "0-10" ;Set Blesscastle Tax.
~/reset_fountain_time ;Resets Mana fountain in bless castle.
~/get_fountain_info ;Returns message with information about amount of mana taken from the mana fountain.
~/get_castle_info ;Returns message with bless castle information.
~/set_castle_master "GuildName" ;Sets Blesscastle leaders.
~/set_castle_time "Number" ;Set duration of Bless Castle siege.
~/easy_castle ;Easy Castle command begins bless castle event but with no castle NPC's.
~/end_castle ;End Bless Castle siege.
~/start_castle ;Begin Bless Castle siege.
~/area_monster ;Area_monster command's purpose still unknown.
~/event_monster ;Begins a monster event on the chosen map.
~/mymonster "monster" ;Spawns a neutral monster.
~/monster "Monster" "number" ;Spawns number of monsters chosen.
~/arena_monster ;Arena monster command's purpose is unknown.
~/area_users ;Displays users connected to current area server.
~/player_sight "Number" ;Changes client - monster spawn seeing sight.
~/set_absorb "Number" ;Sets players absorb to the given number.
~/talk "Npc/Monster/player name" ;Makes chosen PC speak your message. ;
~/user ;Unknown.
~/where "Username" ;Possibly takes GM to chosen player.
~/call "Username" ;Teleports Chosen player to your location.
~/near "Username"; Teleport to specified user
~/username ;Unknown Command.
~/userid ;Unknown Command.
~/insert ;Unknown Command.
~/shutdown ;Begins 9 minute shutdown of server.
~/open_warehouse ;Displays your warehouse at your location.
~/kill "Username" ;Kills Chosen player.
~/kick "Username" ;Kicks Chosen Player.
~/netlog ;Unknown Command.
~/get_potion ;Displays amount of potions in server.
~/comic_player "Username" ;Gives chosen player BigHead mode.
~/get_currency ;Unknown Command
~/get_forceorb ;Possibly displays amount of force orb's in server.
~/get_bosstime ;Displays time before next boss spawns.
~/localtime ;Displays clients local time.
~/sod_enter ;Teleports you into SoD arena.
~/sod_view ;Shows SoD Status.
~/time ;Unknown Command.
admin level 3
~/@put "Item Name Or Code" ;Puts chosen item in your inventory.
~/@get "Item Name Or Code" ;Drops chosen item at your feet.

WA101 - WA120 : Stone Axe - Dragon Axe
WC101 - WC120 : Eagle Claw - Dragon Talon
WH101 - WH121 : Hammer - eXtreme Hammer
WM101 - WM121 : Wand - Astral Staff
WP101 - WP121 : Pole - Phoenix Spear
WS101 - WS122 : Short Bow - Dragon Bow
WS201 - WS223 : Dagger - Dragon Sword
WT101 - WT121 : Javelin - Legend Javelin

DA102 - DA122 : BattleSuit - Dragon Armor
DA202 - DA222 : Robe - Angel Robe
DB101 - DB120 : Leather Boots - Dragon Boots
DG101 - DG120 : Leather Gauntlets - Dragon Gauntlets
DS101 - DS120 : Wood Shield - Dragon Shield
OA201 - OA220 : Leather Armlets - Dragon Bracelets
OM101 - OM121 : Pearl Beads - Clairvoyance

Shop Items
EC101 - EC105 : Ether Core - Union Core
FO101 - FO109 : Lucidy Force - Celesto Force
OS101 - OS112 : Lucidy - Inferna
PL101 - PL104 : Small Life Potion - Mystic Life Potion
PM101 - PM105 : Small Mana Potion - Mystic Mana Potion
PS101 - PS105 : Small Stamina Potion - Mystic Stamina Potion

GF101 - GF104 : Quest Items?
GP101 - GP113 : Hopy Crystal - Web Crystal (GP109 : Mystic Crystal)
MA101 - MA103 : Mystic Bottle, Honey, Mystic Oil (Rank Up Quest)
OA101 - OA124 : Round Amulet - Mystic Amulet +3
OR101 - OR124 : Round Ring - Mystic Ring +3
PS201 - PS202 : Small Songpyun - Large Songpyun
QW101 - QW105 : Metal Wing - Chaos Wing
SD201 - SD206 : Quake Seal - Guardian Saint Seal
SE101 - SE103 : Gera - Gyfu
SD207 : +5000 PT UP
OR201 : G-Zone Ring
OR205 : Valento Ring
BI101 : Blue Stone for Stat points reset
BI102 : Red Stone for Skill Points reset
BI103 : Green Stone for Stat and Skill points reset
BI104 : Rebirth Scroll
BI105 : Eternal Life
BI106 : Fatal Edge for increasing Critical percentage
BI107 : Avert Scroll for increasing Evasion percentage
BI108 : Teleport Scroll
BI109 : Big Head Potion
BI110 : Aging Stone for increasing Aging Success

wa121 - wyvern axe
wc121 - viper talon
wh122 - guardian hammer
wm122 - oracle wand
wp122 - dreadnaught spear
ws123 - wyvern bow
ws224 - justice sword
wt122 - immortal javelin

da123 - pheonix armor
da223 - ruah robe
db121 - inferno boots
dg121 - inferno gauntlets
ds121 - pheonix shield

oa221 - inferno bracelets
om122 - ebony manes
or121 - mystic ring
oa121 - mystic amulet
os113 - bellum

List of areas
0 - Acasia Forest
1 - Bamboo Forest
2 - Garden of Freedom
3 - Ricarten Town
4 - Refuge of the Ancients
5 - Castle of the Lost
6 - Ruinen Village
7 - Cursed Land
8 - Forgotten Land
9 - Navisko Town
10 - O a s i s
11 - Battlefield of the Ancients
12 - Forbidden Land
13 - Ancient Prison 1F
14 - Ancient Prison 2F
15 - Ancient Prison 3F
16 - Checker Room (PCRoom)
17 - Forest of Spirits
18 - Land of Dusk
19 - Valley of Tranquillity
20 - Road to the Wind
21 - Pillai Town
22 - Cursed Temple 1F
23 - Cursed Temple 2F
24 - Cave of Mushrooms
25 - Cave of Beehive
26 - Sanctuary of Darkness
27 - Railway of Chaos
28 - Heart of Perum
29 - Eura
30 - S O D Heaven Stage
31 - Gallubia Valley
32 - Tier 4 Rank Up Arena
33 - Bless Castle
34 - Greedy Lake
35 - Ice 2*
36 - Kelvezu's sweet home*
37 - Lost Island*
38 - Lost Temple


For Restore the Broken/Deaged Item just /save before of Age and after Age if the Item is Broken/Deaged /load <character's nickname>
and /save if is the age is successful. ^^

For train the Age Bar press "i" with the Item equipped.

theres it =) have fun
I looked up a few korean commands.. not certain of all of them.

/필드변경 Alias of /field
/권� 紀恝�
/위치 Alias of /player_location ?
/호출 Alias of /call
/접근 Alias of /near
/이름정보 Alias of /username
/계정정보 Alias of /userid
//동료해산 Alias of /shutdown ?
//동료추방 Alias of /kick ?
//동료탈퇴 Alias of /kill ?
//동료정보 /show_warehouse ?
/특화설정 Alias of /set_absorb ?

/이방범숏키초기화 Alias of /LeeShotKeyReset
/이방범포스 Alias of /LeeForce
/이방범퀘스트초기화 Unknown, response is: Reconnect again /(-_-)/
/이방범전업퀘스트 Alias of /LeeResetRankUp
/이방범전업 Alias of /PassRankUp
/이방범증정아이템 Unknown, probably also an alias of /PassRankUp
/이방범도와줘요스탯 Alias of /LeeHelpMeStat
/이방범도와줘요스킬 Alias of /LeeHelpMeSkill
/이방범순찰갔네 Alias of /LeeWhereIs
/이방범레벨퀘스트 Alias of /LeeResetQuest
/이방범3차퀘스트 Alias of /Lee3thRankUp
/이방범4차퀘스트 Alias of /Lee4thRankUp

i said i didnt want it in english thx fer the heads up tho

great. but ders one thing about it XD it shows up as a bunch of ???? when i copy into the hex editor u got a solution?
i said i didnt want it in english thx fer the heads up tho

I LOVE U xD dats exactly what i was lookin fer now i can readjust my client tytytyty

hehe....sorry dude, i didn't show, cuz I read fast....i was going to school =)...

Install the asian language pack from the windows cd. Google for how to do it.

(I installed Korean, Chinese HKSAR/TW and Japanese)
i have the language pack from the windows cd but i still get the ????? when im on the hex workshop. ill still give it a try, but im pretty sure i already have the language pack. i mean i can read all the text u wrote, and i can get it on word docs but it only shows up as ????? when its on the hex workshop. will the language pack fix this? im gonna give it a try. thx fer the tip ^^
They work for me o.O.

Try this:
Go to your system control panel (Start>control panel)
Open Regional and Language Options (my control panel is in classic mode).
Go to the languages tab.
Select Install files for East Asian languages and hit ok.. should start installing them and prompt for your windows CD. After they are installed, restart your computer... then try it out.

This is what I did and it worked on my side.
Good luck!
These are the bytes of each command string in unicode: (lee-command paragraph only, in order)

2F 00 74 C7 29 BC 94 BC 0F C2 A4 D0 08 CD 30 AE 54 D6
2F 00 74 C7 29 BC 94 BC EC D3 A4 C2
2F 00 74 C7 29 BC 94 BC 18 D0 A4 C2 B8 D2 08 CD 30 AE 54 D6
2F 00 74 C7 29 BC 94 BC 04 C8 C5 C5 18 D0 A4 C2 B8 D2
2F 00 74 C7 29 BC 94 BC 04 C8 C5 C5
2F 00 74 C7 29 BC 94 BC 9D C9 15 C8 44 C5 74 C7 5C D1
2F 00 74 C7 29 BC 94 BC C4 B3 40 C6 18 C9 94 C6 A4 C2 EF D0
2F 00 74 C7 29 BC 94 BC C4 B3 40 C6 18 C9 94 C6 A4 C2 AC D0
2F 00 74 C7 29 BC 94 BC 1C C2 30 CC 14 AC 24 B1
2F 00 74 C7 29 BC 94 BC 08 B8 A8 BC 18 D0 A4 C2 B8 D2
2F 00 74 C7 29 BC 94 BC 34 00 28 CC 18 D0 A4 C2 B8 D2

Don't forget that they are unicode characters, so they contain 2 bytes each.
lol sry i kno dis is an old post but... Operz i don understand ur coding. cuz i couldnt find any of those codes in the clients. (jpt_A or sandurr's rpt client) neways if u have the codes in a diffrent form, such as like /
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