GM Commands

Master Summoner
Loyal Member
Nov 30, 2007
Reaction score
Whenever I try to use GM commands like /die or @ die (I'm not sure which to use), it says invalid command or if I use the @ version, my command is said out loud. I set the 'Level' part of my account in the SQL as '99' and nothing happens even though the server info considers the account a GM one whenever I login.

Help? :x

Also, on my website, it says my accesslevel is 'User' and I can't do anything that you would expect a GM would be able to do.
Newbie Spellweaver
Sep 24, 2005
Reaction score
you use eathena sql do you ?
you take the level in the sql tables of your char do you?
you have reboot the char server do you ?

the commands are with @ not with /

have you checked that the atcommand is on ?
open atcommand.conf in your conf folder or ea if the level of the command is set to 100 it is off
Newbie Spellweaver
Mar 3, 2008
Reaction score
just in case I looked up some information on commands. you can check this list and see if your typing it in right. Thanks to F.O.X. for these commands BTW
GM Commands

@h/@help - display this help guide.

@h2/@help2 - displays the second help guide.

-----------------------------------------------------MESSAGE CMD-----------------------------------------------------
@main [on|off|message] - Turns on or off global chat (@main must be on to see global chat messages)
@noask - Auto rejects Deals/Invites
@gmotd - Broadcasts the Message of The Day file to all players.
@me <message> - Displays normal text as a message in this format: *name message* like /me in mIRC)
@fakename [Name] - Changes your name to your choice temporarly.
@npctalk [NPC Name],[Message] - Forces a NPC to display a message in normal chat.
/b/@broadcast <message> - Broadcasts a GM message with name of the GM (in yellow)
/nb <message>/@kami <message> - Broadcasts a GM message without name of the GM (in yellow)
@kamib <message> - Broadcasts a GM message without name of the GM (in blue)
/lb/@localbroadcast <message> - Broadcasts a GM message with name of the GM (in yellow) ONLY on your map
/nlb <message> - Broadcasts a GM message without name of the GM (in yellow) ONLY on your map

-------------------------------------------------INFORMATION CMD-------------------------------------------------
@commands - Displays a list of commands that you can use.
@rates - Displays the server's current rates.
@uptime - Displays how long the server has been online.
@showdelay - Shows/Hides the "there is a delay after this skill" message.
@exp - Displays current levels and % progress
@mobinfo/@monsterinfo/@mi [Mob ID|Part of monster name] - Shows Monster Info (rates, stats, drops, MVP stuff)
@iteminfo/@ii [Item ID|Part of item name] - Shows Item info (type, price, etc)
@whodrops [Item ID|Part of item name] - Shows who drops an item (mobs with highest drop rates)
@version - Displays SVN version of the server
@email <actual@email> <new@email> - to change your e-mail (characters protection)
@where [char name] - Tells you the location of a character
@time/@date/@server_date/@serverdate/@server_time/@servertime - Display the date/time of the server
@showexp - Displays/Hides Experience gained.
@showzeny - Displays/Hides Zeny gained.
@mobsearch [Mob ID|Monster Name] - Shows the location of a certain mob on the current map.
@who/@whois/@w [match_text] - Display a listing of who is online and their party/guild.
@who2 [match_text] - Display a listing of who is online and their job.
@who3 [match_text] - Display a listing of who is online and where.
@whomap/@whomap2/@whomap3 [map] - like @who/@who2/@who3 but only for specifical map.
@whogm [match_text] - Like @who+@who2+who3, but only for GM.
@charcartlist <char name> - Displays all items of a player's cart.
@guildspy <guild_name/id> - You will receive all messages of the guild channel (Chat logging must be enabled)
@partyspy <party_name/id> - You will receive all messages of the party channel (Chat logging must be enabled)
@mapinfo [<0-3> [map]] - Give information about a map (general info +: 0: no more, 1: players, 2: NPC, 3: shops/chat).

----------------------------------------------CHANGE GM STATE CMD----------------------------------------------
@die - Kills yourself

@go <number/city_name> - Warps you to a city.
-3: (Memo point 2) 1: morocc 5: izlude 9: yuno 13: niflheim
-2: (Memo point 1) 2: geffen 6: aldebaran 10: amatsu 14: louyang
-1: (Memo point 0) 3: payon 7: xmas (lutie) 11: gonryun 15: start point
0: prontera 4: alberta 8: comodo 12: umbala 16: prison/jail

/shift/@jumpto/@warpto/@goto <char name> - Warps you to selected character
@follow <char_name> - follow a player
@mountpeco - Give/remove you a peco (Class is required, but not skill)
@disguise <monster_name_or_monster_ID> - Change your appearence to other players to a mob.
@undisguise - Restore your normal appearance.
@model <hair ID: 0-17> <hair color: 0-8> <clothes color: 0-4> - Changes your characters appearence.
@size <1-3> Changes your size (1-Smallest 2-Biggest 3-Normal)
/hide/@hide - Makes you character invisible (GM invisibility). Type /hide or@hide again become visible.
@save - Sets respawn point to current spot
@load/@return - Warps you to your save point
/mm//mapmove/@warp/@rura/@mapmove <mapname> <x> <y> - Warps you to the selected position
@jump [x [y]]- Randomly warps you like a flywing.

@job/@jobchange <job ID> - Changes your job
0: Novice 18: Alchemist 4015: Paladin
1: Swordman 19: Bard 4016: Champion
2: Mage 20: Dancer 4017: Professor
3: Archer 23: Super Novice 4018: Stalker
4: Acolyte 4001: High Novice 4019: Creator
5: Merchant 4002: High Swordman 4020: Clown
6: Thief 4003: High Mage 4021: Gypsy
7: Knight 4004: High Archer 4046: Taekwon
8: Priest 4005: High Acolyte 4047: Star Gladiator
9: Wizard 4006: High Merchant 4049: Soul Linker
10: Blacksmith 4007: High Thief 24: Gunslinger
11: Hunter 4008: Lord Knight 25: Ninja
12: Assassin 4009: High Priest
14: Crusader 4010: High Wizard
15: Monk 4011: Whitesmith
16: Sage 4012: Sniper
17: Rogue 4013: Assassin Cross
4023: Baby 4024: Baby Swordman 4025: Baby Mage
4026: Baby Archer 4027: Baby Acolyte 4028: Baby Merchant
4029: Baby Thief 4030: Baby Knight 4031: Baby Priest
4032: Baby Wizard 4033: Baby Blacksmith 4034: Baby Hunter
4035: Baby Assassin 4037: Baby Crusader 4038: Baby Monk
4039: Baby Sage 4040: Baby Rogue 4041: Baby Alchemist
4042: Baby Bard 4043: Baby Dancer 4045: Super Baby

@option <param1> <param2> <param3> - Adds different visual effects on or around your character
<param1> <param2> <p3>(stackable) <param3> <param3>
1 Petrified (stackable) 01 Sight 32 Peco Peco riding 2048 Orc Head
2 Frozen 01 Poison 02 Hide 64 GM Perfect Hide 4096 Wedding Sprites
3 Stunned 02 Cursed 04 Cloak 128 Level 2 Cart 8192 Ruwach
4 Sleeping 04 Silenced 08 Level 1 Cart 256 Level 3 Cart
6 darkness 08 ??? 16 Falcon 512 Level 4 Cart
16 darkness 1024 Level 5 Cart

@heal [<HP> <SP>] - Heals the desired amount of HP and SP. No value specified will
do a full heal.
@dye/@ccolor <clothes color: 0-4> - Changes your characters appearence (only clothes color).
@hairstyle/@hstyle <hair ID: 0-17> - Changes your characters appearence (only hair style).
@haircolor/@hcolor <hair color: 0-8> - Changes your characters appearence (only hair color).
@speed <1-1000> - Changes you walking speed. 1 being the fastest and 1000 the slowest. Default 150.
@effect <effect_id> [flag] - Give an efect to your character.
@dropall - throws all your possession on the ground
@storeall - puts all your possessions in storage
@killable - make your character killable
@memo [memo_position] - set/change a memo location (no position: display memo points).
@spiritball <number: 1-1000> - Gives you "spirit spheres" like from the skill "Call Spirits"
(If the number you use is > 1000, your server may become instable or crash)
@questskill <#> - Gives you the specified quest skill
@lostskill <#> - Takes away the specified quest skill from you
@skillid <name> - look up a skill by name

@useskill <skillid> <skillv> <target> - use a skill on target
Novice Swordsman Thief Merchant
142 = Emergency Care 144 = Moving HP Recovery 149 = Throw Sand 153 = Cart Revolution
143 = Act dead 145 = Attack Weak Point 150 = Back Sliding 154 = Change Cart
Archer 146 = Auto Berserk 151 = Take Stone 155 = Crazy Uproar/Loud Voice
147 = Arrow Creation Acolyte 152 = Stone Throw Magician
148 = Charge Arrows 156 = Holy Light 157 = Energy Coat

@skilltree <
@marry <player1>,<player2> - marry two players
@divorce <player> - divorces the two players (you need just one name of them)
@alive - Revives yourself from death
@lvup/@blevel/@baselvlup <number of levels> - Raises your base level the desired number of levels. The max is 255 (User Defined).
@joblvup/@jlevel/@joblvlup <number of levels> -Raises your job level the desired number of levels. The max is 50 For Basic Classes. For Super Novice and Advanced Classes it is 70.
@allskill/@allskills/@skillall/@skillsall - Give you all skills.
@stpoint <number of points> - Gives you the desired number of stat points.
@skpoint <number of points> - Gives you the desired number of skill points.
@zeny <amount> - Gives you desired amount of Zeny.
@str,@agi,@vit,@int,@dex,@luk <amount> - Adds desired amount to any stat. For example "@str 10" raises your str by 10
@statall/@statsall/@allstats/@allstat [value] - Adds value in all stats (maximum if no value).
@addwarp <map name> <x coord> <y coord>

----------------------------------------------------MONSTERS CMD----------------------------------------------------
@killmonster2 - kill all monsters of your map (without drops)
/monster <monster_name> - Spawns 1 of the desired monster.
@spawn/@monster/@summon <monster_name_or_monster_ID> [<number to spawn> <desired_monster_name> [<x coord> [<y coord>]]]]
@monster2 <desired_monster_name> <monster_name_or_monster_ID> [<number to spawn> [<x coord> [<y coord>]]]
@spawn/@monster/@summon/@monster2 "desired monster name" <monster_name_or_monster_ID> [<number to spawn> [<x coord> [<y coord>]]]
@spawn/@monster/@summon/@monster2 <monster_name_or_monster_ID> "desired monster name" [<number to spawn> [<x coord> [<y coord>]]]
Spawns the desired monster with any desired name.
@monstersmall [Mob ID|Mob Name] - Spawns a smaller version of a monster.
@monsterbig [Mob ID|Mob Name] - Spawns a larger version of a monster.
@killmonster [map] - kill all monsters of the map (they drop)

--------------------------------------------------------MISC CMD--------------------------------------------------------
@autoloot [on|off|#] - Makes items go straight into your inventory.
@autotrade/@at - Allows you to vend while you are offline.
@changegm [Player Name] - Changes the leader of your guild (You must be guild leader)
@changeleader [Player Name] - Changes the leader of your party (You must be party leader)
@request [Message] - Sends a message to all connected GMs (via the gm whisper system)
@sound [Path way to file in Data or GRF file] - Plays a sound from the data or grf file located on the client.
@clone [Player Name] - Spawns a supportive clone of the given player.
@slaveclone [Player Name] - Spawns a supportive clone of the given player that follows the creator around.
@evilclone [Player Name] - Spawns an agressive clone of the given player.
@changesex - Changes your gender.

---------------------------------------------------------DUEL CMD---------------------------------------------------------
@duel - Starts a duel.
@invite - Invites a player to a duel.
@accept - Accepts an invitation to a duel.
@reject - Rejects an invitation to a duel.
@leave - Leaves a duel.

--------------------------------------------MAIL SYSTEM (SQL Only)--------------------------------------------
@checkmail - Check # of messages.
@listmail - List all messages.
@listnewmail - List only new mail.
@readmail - Read a message.
@sendmail - Send mail.
@deletemail - Deletes a message.
@sendprioritymail - Sends priority mail (cannot be deleted until read)

-------------------------------------------------------ITEMS CMD-------------------------------------------------------
@storage - Opens storage
@itemreset - Remove all your items.
@gstorage - Opens guild storage
@itemcheck - Check your items with authorised items.
@idsearch <part_of_item_name> - Search all items that name have part_of_item_name
@refine <equip position> <+/- amount>
@produce <equip name or equip ID> <element> <# of very's>
Element: 0=None 1=Ice 2=Earth 3=Fire 4=Wind
You can add up to 3 Star Crumbs and 1 element
@repairall - Repair all items of your inventory
/item <item_name> - Gives you 1 of the desired item.
@item <item name or ID> <quantity> - Gives you the desired item.
@item2 <item name or ID> <quantity> <identified_flag> <refine> <broken_flag> <Card1> <Card2> <Card3> <Card4> - Gives you the desired item.

-------------------------------------------------------PVP CMD-------------------------------------------------------
@pvpon - Turns pvp on on the current map
@pvpoff - Turns pvp off on the current map
@gvgon/@gpvpon - Turns gvg on on the current map
@gvgoff/@gpvpoff - Turns gvg off on the current map
@agitstart - Starts War of Emperium
@agitend - End War of Emperium

-----------------------------------------------------GROUPS CMD-----------------------------------------------------
@party <party_name> - Create a party.
@guild <guild_name> - Create a guild.
@guildlvup/@guildlvlup <# of levels> - Raise Guild by desired number of levels
@guildrecall <guild_name/id> - Warps all online characters of a guild to you.
@partyrecall <party_name/id> - Warps all online characters of a party to you.

---------------------------------------------------------PETS CMD ---------------------------------------------------------
@petrename - Re-enable pet rename
@pettalk [Message] - Makes your pet say a message.
@petfriendly <#> - Set pet friendly amount (0-1000) 1000 = Max
@pethungry <#> - Set pet hungry amount (0-100) 100 = Max
@hatch - Create a pet from your inventory eggs list.
@makeegg <pet_id> - Gives pet egg for monster number in pet DB

---------------------------------------------------REMOTE CHAR CMD---------------------------------------------------
@kick <char name> - Kicks specified character off the server
@charkillable <char name> - make another character killable
@unjail/@discharge <char name> - Discharges specified character/prisoner
@kill <char name> - Kills specified character.
@chardropall <char name> - throws all a chars possession on the ground
@charstoreall <char name> - puts all of anothers charactes possessions in storage
/recall/@recall <char name> - Warps target character to you.
@revive <char name> - Revives target character.
@charblock/@block <char name> - Blocks definitively a account
@charunblock/@unblock <char name> - Unblocks a account
@charban/@ban/@banish/@charbanish <time> <name> - Ban temporarily a account
time usage: adjustement (+/- value) and element (y/a, m, d/j, h, mn, s)
Example: @ban +1m-2mn1s-6y testplayer
@charunban/@unban/@unbanish/@charunbanish <name> - Unban a account
@jail <char name> - Sends specified character in jails
@trade <char name> - Open a trade window with a another player
@recallall - Warps every character online to you.
@doom - Kills all NON GM chars on the server.
@doommap - Kills all non GM characters on the map.
@raise - Resurrects all characters on the server.
@raisemap - Resurrects all characters on the map.

@night - Uses @option 00 16 00 on all characters. All characters are in darkness.
@day - Uses @option 00 00 00 on all characters.
@skillon - turn skills on for a map
@skilloff - turn skills on for a map
@rain - Makes all maps to have the rain weather effect.
@snow - Makes all maps to have the snow weather effect.
@clouds - Makes all maps to have the cloudy weather effect.
@clouds2 - Makes all maps to have another cloudy weather effect.
@fog - Makes all maps to have the fog weather effect.
@fireworks - Makes all maps to have the fireworks weather effect.
@sakura - Makes all maps to have the sakura weather effect.
@leaves - Makes all maps to have the leaves weather effect.

--- ADMIN CMD ---
@monsterignore - Makes monsters ignore you
@shownpc <NPC name> - Enable a NPC
@hidenpc <NPC name> - Disable a NPC
@loadnpc <path to script> - Load script
@unloadnpc <NPC name> - Unload script
@adjgmlvl <level> <char name> - Do a temporary adjustment of the GM level of a player
@adjcmdlvl <level> <command> - Do a temporary adjustment of the GM level of a command
@kickall - Kick all characters off the server
@mapexit - Kick all players and shut down map-server.
@reloaditemdb - Reload item database.
@reloadmobdb - Reload monster database.
@reloadskilldb - Reload skills definition database.
@reloadscript - Reload all scripts.
@reloadgmdb - Reload GM levels.
@gat - For debugging (you inspect around gat)
@packet - For debugging (packet variety)
@nuke <char name> -
@GM <password> - it becomes GM! (password is set in login_athena.conf)

Thanks to F.O.X. again for this bit of information
Q: How can i create GM account?

A: Ok i have make some picture, here
Attachment 45392
1. Open you MySQL Query browser, and click on ragnarok DB.
2. then find login table, double two time and you got that.
Attachment 45391
3. Search for your ID which 1 want to be GM then search for level and edit the number 0 to 99.
4. Click on Apply Change and you are done.
Last edited:
Initiate Mage
Dec 11, 2008
Reaction score
^ where do we exactly type those commands into?
show yur screennie of where to exactly put it plox
Newbie Spellweaver
Dec 13, 2008
Reaction score
Put it in the chatbox dude!, do you experience playing ragnarok? type it in the box where you type all the text that you want to say to the whole RO world