• Networking: The investigation is still on the way, we've switched to backup telecom carriers since the episode but we're still working in settling everything as it must be. We'll add more updates as we have them available. Incoming and outgoing emails will be restricted, and user registration has been disabled until the issue is resolved.

GM Commands

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Newbie Spellweaver
Jan 9, 2012
Reaction score
I installed a Loong test server and now I need a bit help with some GM commands that I don't understand.
This Commands are:
engrave n16ItemIndex dwFormula
equippot nIndex nValue
addweaponatt n16ItemIndex bAttType AttID

First of all the engrave command. what is the n16ItemIndex? I think it's not the ID of a weapon because it didn't work with that. And dwFormula is a number from the engrave_name.xml right?
And also if I wanna engrave a weapon with that command do I have to have the weapon in my inventory or equipped or do I get a new weapon when using this command?
Then the equippot command. Again that nIndex. Is it the same as in the engrave command or something different?
And also the addweaponatt command. The n16ItemIndex looks like the same in the engrave command but what is bAttType?. Is it internal or external or something completely different? And what is the AttID? Is it an ID from one of the xml files?
I hope you can help me :D
Thanks in advance

PS: I excuse for my bad english because it could maybe be hard to understand.
Thank you ananas that's a really cool list and it helps me a lot but none of the commands I mentioned is in this list. It would be nice if you could give me some information about them too.
I think itemindex you can see in db
this parametrs contain `target weapon`,so you should insert special id of weapon,mentioned in db
Sorry if that's a stupid question but which db do you mean? If you mean one from the xml files in the server then I already tried that and it didn't work.
I'm sorry for my questions but I'm not very experienced in all this things so it would be nice if you could help me a bit more. In which table from the mysql db can I see my equipped Items?
I found those tables and also my equip in there but I still don't know which of the many numbers there to use for the commands.I tried the SerialNum the LoongInnerID and also the LoongOuterID but none of them worked. Which one is it?
I didn`t use tis comands,so can`t help you anymore
just search in db diferent values and try them or use old metod- npc:D:
I tested many values now is there maybe someone else who is familiar with this commands and can help me?
engrave n16ItemIndex dwFormula
equippot nIndex nValue
addweaponatt n16ItemIndex bAttType AttID
В игре нажать кнопку f11 и в консольном окне ввести комнаду

Следует вводить сначала gm потом команду потом iD


gm yuanbao 99999 - это даст вам 99999 жемчужин


addskill dwTypeID

addbuff dwBuffID

addquest nQuestId

addsuit dwSuitID nQlty

addequip nType nLevel nQlty


att eroleatt nval

addweaponatt n16ItemIndex bAttType AttID

clandata testNo clanType nVal

changescriptdata nIndex dwValue

class nType eVocation




contribute nContribute

double rate

exvolume nExVolume

exp nExp сколько экспы получить

equippot nIndex nValue

engrave n16ItemIndex dwFormula

fill nLevel получить уровень х

fund nFund

goto szMapName x z

gotorole szRoleName


guildfacility апает гильдию на лвл

item dwTypeID nItemNum nQuality

invincible бегать,и мобы тебя не видят

kick szRoleName

killmonster dwMonsterID

leftmsg nNum

launch group purchase

loongsoul n16ItemIndex n64LoongSoulID

Lurk nLurkLevel

moverole szRoleName

material nMaterial

create monster

maxonline nNum



pet testNo petIndex petProtoID

posy n16ItemIndex dwFormula

proficiency dwSkillID nValue

quest dwQuestId bDone

reload server scripts


respond group purchase


skillcd talenttype exceptid 2

silver nGold nSilver



tael nTael

title event para1 para2

vnb testNo accountID ip

vcard roleid

yuanbao nYuanBao жемчуг

change role chest sum

change server chest sum

speakoff dwRoleID

speakon dwRoleID

stallexp nExp

door ObjID bOpen

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