Gm problems L2J 

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Newbie Spellweaver
Jan 31, 2007
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ok i got my server working perfect no bugs or shit so far

but i tryin to make a admin an gm got the accounts setup
admin - 100
gm - 75
on the access lvl account manager

but when i go in game an try usin the gm commands nothin happens no teleport or gm menu nothin

am i right in sayin u have to put // then the command
command to make a char admin from in game is //changelvl 100/75 depends on what u want the player access level to be full rights(100) or not(...)
then if u have problems making your/any char admin just go to your phpMyAdmin(
enter l2jdb then go to table charecters find your char then edit his line
change the accesslevel row from 0 to 100 and save..
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strange that my pack is with dskw and it works perfectly the way i described it above... and its true depends on his pack max acc lvl ...
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