GM skill (books)

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Junior Spellweaver
Oct 15, 2006
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I would like to have the Id's for the GM skills like those buffs and stuff i searched the item list but i dint find it
Pleas Give me the ID's

:) i know

/item 887 10 [how much u need]
/item 888 10 same
/item 889 10 same

that the skills WORKING ~ !

that i use for the noobie at my server :P

have fun
yea and don't use the ones that aren't working or they'll bug ur character and sometime D/C the server >.<
OMG What happen to osROSE forum?

By the way.. what is the item ID for GM clothes? (Headgear, Armor, Boots, Gloves). Thanks in advanced!
what rev you use?

@edit the
:) i know

/item 887 10 [how much u need]

/item 888 10 same

/item 889 10 same

that the skills WORKING ~ !
that i use for the noobie at my server :P
have fun

they are for the charc were you put it on but i mean like buffing ppl who are next to you
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Sorry to revive this topic, but I am interested in these aswell, because I remember seeing GM's give buffs to everyone around them (I mean GOOD buffs)

this was only in previous versions of rose, afaik the area gm buffs seen in irose and the classic narose client have either been removed for security issues, or very well hidden as the names in the stb files dont always correspond to what you actually get from skilling that particular book. Also the skills that people seem to be talking about (Gm skill mastery and Dev skill mastery) dont appear to have been written - they may have been put in for a future use and just never used. I have actually seen the area GM buffs in use on prose tala evo, just after it was released (phage was buffing everyone and spawning eldeon mobs in junon and gmg's in el verloon), but as these seemed to have been abused by hackers in previous versions i expect they may have been entirely removed.

this was only in previous versions of rose, afaik the area gm buffs seen in irose and the classic narose client have either been removed for security issues, or very well hidden as the names in the stb files dont always correspond to what you actually get from skilling that particular book. Also the skills that people seem to be talking about (Gm skill mastery and Dev skill mastery) dont appear to have been written - they may have been put in for a future use and just never used. I have actually seen the area GM buffs in use on prose tala evo, just after it was released (phage was buffing everyone and spawning eldeon mobs in junon and gmg's in el verloon), but as these seemed to have been abused by hackers in previous versions i expect they may have been entirely removed.


Yea, only three of the skill books work, the rest though they activate, I get a "[FATAL ERROR] Line on column skill_id 1 is too long" (It doesn't close me out) it just wont activate the others
gm skill aren't going to work.... they would have to get a gm to collect packets for them or to become a gm and then do it
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