Gohan I Like You But.....

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I told you both that if you wanted me removed or whatever to talk to MentaL, not to start topics.

Difference between me and Athena is that Athena was closing topics that shouldn't of been closed, and you 2 are just pissed at me for moderating you 2.

As you can see the fault is at a different place.
Cap is pissed at me because i moderated him because he broke/breaks the rules.

It's like when a person goes to jail saying that the judge is a moron because he is getting him locked up for murder.

He breaks the rules, i moderate him, and he flames me more, i didn't broke any rules, and i did my job correctly.
Your signature does, your quoting a post which was a direct flame towards me, yes quoting is not against the rules, but it is when it only has the purpose to let that post live on...

Also i asked you to remove it, you failed to do so.
DonTonberryVIII said:
My Banning Was Justified Yes.

But Cap's Wasn't

That Complete And Utter Balls.
Wasn't my choice, i posted about 1 warning in the staff forum.

EDIT: lol MentaL posted at same time as me, hopefully for you Cap you didn't got the same temp ban as Steely. ;)
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AAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHH. I missed all this and I'm a lazy sod so would ne1 mind givin me a few links so I can catch up on thee bannings and stuff plz. THEN I WILL PASS JUDGEMENT ON THOU:tp:
Gohan Deleted All Threads.

Basically I Got In A Strop With Gohan And Said All He Contributes Is 24 Hours A Day 7 Days A Week Bandwidth Consuming.

Cap Copied That To His Siggy.

Gohan Told To Remove, Unfairly

We Started Arguing About The Rules, Even Tho I Was Right But Gohan Was Pissy Becoz It Refered To Him.

MentaL Banned Us
The important topics are in the staff forum, and they were not moved there by me, so don't gimme that shit.

If you don't believe me then ask a other mod.

That's your problem DTB, you twist around everything you can, you break the rules, i warn you, and all the sudden i'm the 1 corrupt and flaming you.
His signature was against the rules, it contained a flame towards me.

And you don't have to include names to flame a person.

Look it's simple, you 2 are trying to get around the rules without getting crap, but it's not going to work that way.
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