Good private server. The myth.

Newbie Spellweaver
Jan 23, 2007
Reaction score
hi all,

I need private server help. I have been trying private server since 1st january. I have test about 6 servers a week. All the north american blizzlike server on wow status have been tested. Didn't tried some euro cuz the one i wanted to try were not english speaking servers.

I have found out that more then 99% of private servers are realy crappy. After 2 months and a half im still looking for a server. Im realy disapointed.

When i joined the private server scene i knew i had to be less picky and that it won't be 100% like the real blizz server. Some spells won't work, some quests too, maybe some talents too. Now im getting disconnected like crazy on all th servers i have tested and it has nothing to do on my side.

What a cold shower. 2 months and a half and im still looking.

Please if you play on a good english speaking server without getting disconnected every 5 minutes, please let me know. Doesn't need to be 100% working. If i don't get disconnected too much and if i see the team is working to solve server issues i will be more then happy. Thank you.

I edit it to add this. I won't play on server that offer gold, levels or items or any other stuff for donation. So don't suggest me a server if they do that.

Gryphon Havoc is the best server i have tested yet but they give stuffs in exchange for donation :( So il have to keep looking.
Depends on what you are REALLY looking for. If you've already decided to completely overlook the funservers, I'd expect you also don't want to have to hack patch your client. Though just because it is listed as "High", or "Funserver" on WoWstatus, doesn't mean that you'll be having to hack your client. Alot of people boost drop rates gold rates and exp rates and call themselves a funserver. So there is a possibility to get onto a non WoWemu server (Which would require you to hack patch) that is in fact listed as a funserver. I've only played on ONE private server that wasn't owned and operated by me. Ragezone. It did crash a few times, but honestly, thats a mangos problem... and it did seem to run pretty lag free. I'd recomend theirs.

Remember, just because they ask you to donate for items doesn't mean you have to. There is always a chance they have them in the loot table to be dropped.
Thanks guys. Thanks for the invitation resinate. Don't know what il do. I had less time to play recently and i had more disconnect and trouble login into the realm. Maybe i was just out of luck but that leads to some short unfruitful gamming sessions, a little frustration on my part and a weird post here ;) Maybe i should take a break and comeback later and see what happends.

Anyway, thanks guys for taking the time to answer me.