Good Ps2 Games

Here is a good game but you will have to wait a bit for that. God of War II, If you ever played God of War then you'll know that this game kicks ass. Its probably one of the best game you can get for PS2 out there once its out. It comes out in March 13th.

If you don't like waiting then there are couple of other good games such as Final Fantasy XII, Kingdom Hearts II. Guitar Hero, both 1 and 2 seems to be a hit as well.
Kingdom Hearts II, Zone of the Enders: The 2nd Runner, Tales of the Abyss.
FFX = Final Fantasy X (10)
FFXII = Final Fantasy XII (12)
GTA3 = Grand Theft Auto 3
GTA Vice City = Grand Theft Auto Vice City
GTA San Andreas = Grand Theft Auto San Andreas

No Idea what MGS is.