they r cool!
i can walk around now without a cd player and roxin out
i can walk around now without a cd player and roxin out
Adeh said:get a 20gb decent player not 1 of those crapy 128mb jobs, puppies ate my mp3 player 5days old 2 years ago dam dogs....
yeah em anyway - mp3 use 2 much energy not long enough battery life, wait till the new battery NEC designed i think, it charges in 90seconds full an costs no extra
Solares said:ive had my 20gig MP3 player for the last half year. Runs on a lithium ION battery. Can store...... more songs than i can put on it lol.
and costlySipher said:i got ipod, fukin light as a feather! 2 comact discs put togeth thats how light it is mad eh?