got hit this afternoon

I'll take you all on.
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1000 Posts Trophy Point Collector 20 Happy Years
May 11, 2004
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Sector 7
So, just 6 hours ago, my family went to some town where we celebrate our Chinese New Year, then after 1 hour, we arrived at that town, but we need to go somewhere else in that town to celebrate the holiday.

We finally almost got there, about 4 miles more, i was listen to music, then my dad turn the car to left lane, while hes turning a car just approaching forward really fast and while my dad is turning the car, the car at the back hit us, i was sitting in the sit without notice, then i was like wtf? wtf is happening dad?. my dad reply "some bastard hit us son" i was wtf? then the car that hit us run away.

the damage is not really serious, it just @ my dads door, just a few flat and scratches, oh thanks god, that no one was injured, or the car that hit us didnt complain about it, if he does, it gonna take us along day to argue who hit/whos fault was.

anyone experience this b4?
my dad reply "some bastard hit us son" i was wtf? then the car that hit us run away.

SON? arent u a chik? unless he was going to say son of a .....

anyways on topic its called a hit&run. if the police finds the guy he is SOOO screwed. cz just for running away u get a record and some 700$, i think maybe less, of a fine.

well i hope that the police catches him... there will be a law suit prolly and u WILL win. plus the insurance money.

Anyways it sux when this happends. Happend to me and my friends once, but she didnt ran away.
SON? arent u a chik? unless he was going to say son of a .....

anyways on topic its called a hit&run. if the police finds the guy he is SOOO screwed. cz just for running away u get a record and some 700$, i think maybe less, of a fine.

well i hope that the police catches him... there will be a law suit prolly and u WILL win. plus the insurance money.

Anyways it sux when this happends. Happend to me and my friends once, but she didnt ran away.

im a dude ;)

well, we didnt call teh police, we dont see the license plate anyway.

it just a small scratch and flat, no big deal. also the car was old, its a ISUZU 1994 Rodeo. my dad bought it 1500$ ;)
1 Year Ago I Have Hit Old Volkswager Passat (1990) With My Dad's
BMW 525 , I Was Drunk And Run Away , After 2 Days I Got Arrested For 1 Week + Disabled Driving License Untill I Rise 21 Years...
Hmpf, that sucks, especially if it happens to you. I've been in car accidents twice, one time I got hit by a car while crossing the street on bike, one time I was sitting in my mums van when she hit a lamppost - don't ask :wink:

Never hit anyone myself, though I've come pretty close a few times - I used to drive this old Opel Kadett GT, nice fast little car, but really old without traction control or any other fancy break assist stuff, so when its raining or snowing heavily it tends to slip. First time it happened to me was when I was driving in town, raining heavily so nobody on the road and I kind'a speeded a bit (well, doing 100km/h where 50km/h was the limit :icon6:), and there's this big roundabout coming so I brake, but the damn car just skidded right onto the roundabout.. Never been so lucky nobody else was on there.. :shocked:

Second time was when I was driving on the highway and it was snowing a lot and roadworkers had put salt on the road to keep them from freezing, but the stuff kept getting on my windscreen so I couldn't see anything and had to pull over on this quite short offramp - and ofcourse, when I hit the breaks it started slipping, traffic on one side and a big trench on the other and a wall in front. Instinctively released the brake, car got traction back and I was just able to steer us round the offramp to a parking lot :icon6:

If there's anything I've learnt from that its to always brake well in time, even if it anoys the people behind you :icon6:
yeah, i like doing that ^^.

he did, the drvie @ the back was speeding up while we try to turn left and he didnt stop, he just go on till he hit us =(
Proberly a sign of respect, the guy thought you was hot :O? Dammit Paedophiles!

Anyhow, Been in about 3 Car accidents, Luckily that i haven't caused, sucks, espcially when they decide to leg it! Keep the eggs ready I say
lol maybe because u have a play Mu server sticker on ur dads car o.o

And I have been in one too the car when broke had to call the police and everything! But nobody got hurt...
Lol... He ran away when your dad was at fault. Now that's funny. :icon6:

At least now ya'll can report it as a hit-and-run and wont have to worry about a surcharge for being at fault.

NoPeace - out

LoL double post...and yeah its true, it was ur dad's fault. Hint for ur dad: Check the mirror before you change lanes. At least you didn't get hurt, or sued.
well im a 13 year old kid and i was learning to drive at my beach house in an Escalade. It was night and my bro and sis couldnt keep bothering me. i couldnt concentrate. then everything was well, did some turns and stuff and then i stopped and the car started going on a hole(lol) so i accidentally hit the accelarator really hard cause i couldnt see and i blew the corner of our gate lol. Almost hit my dad:( but i thank God no one got hurt:):):):)
LoL double post...and yeah its true, it was ur dad's fault. Hint for ur dad: Check the mirror before you change lanes. At least you didn't get hurt, or sued.

well, i dont know whos fault it is, but meh, he didnt saw our license plate anyway.

He did check the mirror, i dont know why we got hit, im just listen to my head phones then you know, we just got hit.