Got my server working. have 2 questions

Newbie Spellweaver
Apr 9, 2005
Reaction score
Ok my server works great.. but my first question is about web.. i use _MaNGOS__Simple_BC_PHP_WebSite and i use no-ip .. when i configure my site it only shows at not at my no-ip. tell me what to do cuz i want my site to shows at my no-ip.
Second question is about database updating . i downloaded 2.0.8 XeNoW Revision 77 + ScriptdDev2 , but there are too many files in update derectory .. should i execute batch file at mangos db one by one..or.. could u give me more info about updating process to do it properly.. sorry if you can't understand some of my sentences but im really confused right now.
Ok my server works great.. but my first question is about web.. i use _MaNGOS__Simple_BC_PHP_WebSite and i use no-ip .. when i configure my site it only shows at not at my no-ip. tell me what to do cuz i want my site to shows at my no-ip.
Second question is about database updating . i downloaded 2.0.8 XeNoW Revision 77 + ScriptdDev2 , but there are too many files in update derectory .. should i execute batch file at mangos db one by one..or.. could u give me more info about updating process to do it properly.. sorry if you can't understand some of my sentences but im really confused right now.

About the no-ip, are you using a free no-ip account?, if you are you only must copy the adress and paste it on the browser ei: mine is
if you dont know how to make an account pm me
You should try change the config in the admin panel, go to realmlist, and change the adress
If you are using a forum, you must change the domain address and the Cookie domain, it's more complex
Tell me what and where is you problem.

About upgrading go here:
