Greatest Movie Stars Eva

male actors:well i would say Samuel jackson , nicholas cage.
nicolas cage is wicked in action movies.....and samuel jackson is just all round top class actor.
Fe-male actresses:Sandra bullock , Julia roberts both these are top actresses (and are fit as fcuk).what would u do to those 2 women OR the queastion is what wouldnt u do to those 2 women.
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lol i dont see any of those very good actors...

usually their films r nice cose have a lot of action n so but the good thing is the film..
Anthany Hopkins, and Sean Conary, the best bond ever, anyone says other wise (sorry sic) "YOU FOOL DONT BE SOFT":p

PS sic, i quoted you because... i dunno, just felt like it:D
well since u all took the thread so seriosly with ur choices it came on channel 4 and Al Pacino won 2nd Deniro 3rd our Tommy Hanks i fink i sat thro a 100 so i lost count lol