Greetings to all L2O 

Initiate Mage
Jan 27, 2007
Reaction score
Salut guys:

i have being reeding this forum for at least 2 hours now and i can see that lots of people are really confused on what files to use or what guide to follow.

Is in this mater i would like to make a proposal for all u L33t people on l2 out there to REALLY help the new members of this forum on witch files are the best and more updated to use when mounting up a server .

Ive read that the RZ pack is full of bugs so i wont go with thata one and the PP pack cant be found any where (believe me i did the search).

so the first thing to do is not to confuse people with so many l2c4 file packs
and lest stick with only one and start making changes from there

i did read the installation guis on the RZ pack and it does get very confusing for people , trying to decifer what is what and what goes where

and i did read de n00b guide and ist more explainative but confusing none the less when u work with de c4 rz pack.

To be honest with you people this forums is in no help at all to the noobs and normal non computer geek type of person.

Most of are not asking for u L33t people to do all the work for us but , we do ask for you to simplify and try to help us N00bs. and the only and simple way you can achive this is by writing a noob guide with the current RZ c4 files and with working links to dl the necesary files.

well with nothing more to say and give my outmost respect to you all i say farewell and try and help out

PS:If u wont help dont post thx

Experienced Elementalist
Oct 14, 2006
Reaction score
First of all WRONG SECTION
Here is link to the 80% retail C4 Files:
there are many guide in this section just look around bit.If u can't handle L2OFF i suggest u move to L2J
Initiate Mage
Jan 27, 2007
Reaction score
First of all WRONG SECTION
Here is link to the 80% retail C4 Files:
there are many guide in this section just look around bit.If u can't handle L2OFF i suggest u move to L2J

i al ready have an l2j server running and im trying to upgrade to l2off

so please restrain urself from being ironic on if i can or canot handle L2 off
May 5, 2006
Reaction score
The guides work the same for every chronicle,now you have the server file links, just make sure you have x64 windows and you will be ready.
Also check around or on PP for fixes cause no pack is perfect without personal work
Newbie Spellweaver
Apr 17, 2006
Reaction score
i al ready have an l2j server running and im trying to upgrade to l2off

so please restrain urself from being ironic on if i can or canot handle L2 off
the link isn't l2j but l2off just download all the files
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Elite Diviner
Oct 10, 2005
Reaction score
Setting up an L2 OFf server is not that hard .... i mean there are tons of guides.

Also.... its not setting up the server that people should be asking questions on ... its Deving it.

I remmember the days when this section used to be filled with usefull stuff like working system fixes and new posts with some good releases and skill fixes... but .... now its just a place where every 1 goes to cry.
Newbie Spellweaver
Dec 13, 2006
Reaction score
There are lots of great fixes and mods. Just nobody wants to share.
Newbie Spellweaver
Dec 26, 2006
Reaction score
Don't expect anything from this forum, it's dead and unmoderated. We have mods but they are not active; So don't even ask for new stickies, every sticky is at least 2 years old.

p.s. salut toi ;)