Groan System

Apr 28, 2010
Reaction score
Ok i'm sorry if this has been already suggested..

But what about a Groan System.

This system is the exact opposite of the Thanks System.

And it will simply -1 From their Thanks.

They could maybe have their own Negative Thanks Aswell

Or maybe Change the Thanks system into a Reputation system.

So that People Can have Negative Reputations..

And the Thanks will go as a + 1 Rep..

Just shooting ideas,

What do you think about it?
How about having a separate column for groans? Like, instead of deducting from your thanks, you just get += 1 groans.

You get 'Thanked' for making good posts/threads/contributions.

What is the point of a 'Groan' exactly? To count how many shitty posts/threads/contributions you've made? That sounds pretty stupid doesn't it? People will simply 'Groan' you for no reason at all, which will put it in the exact same situation as the reputation system.

There is absolutely no tangible use for it.
You should only be able to give so many groans per day, or, use the seperate column for them like it says above. On another note, the thanks system is already a popularity system like on my HACKED account which was hacked by Adde has like 55 thanks' on it.

I actually gotta disagree a bit with this though. It's not a popularity thing. I didn't get the thanks I have from people liking me. I got it from helping people. And you can't put a limitation on a "bad" system if there's no limitation on the "good" system.

AFAIK the 'Thanks' system does have a built-in cap of 5 'Thanks' per person per day.

Also, it all comes down to human nature. Would a random person give you a 'Thanks' out of the blue for doing absolutely nothing? Probably not. On the other hand, would they 'Groan' you or give you a negative reputation just for the hell of it? Most probably. We've seen it first hand when the reputation system was implemented; people would just go around and give every single person they saw a negative reputation, just for fun.
I'm not sure if it's actually capped or not.. never gave that much (to be expected in the Maplestory section.. not much content worth thanking) in a day. If it is though, you could easily do the same for the Groan system, amiright? So if a troll wanted to "groan", they'd be limited.

That's true but anyone who posts in the maplestory section gets like 10 thanks for saying someone's server sucks, I personally like this idea and think it should be on a different column. It's the same as the thanks system, people will thank you for no reason whatsoever. (I do it sometimes too)
These kinds of systems should only be allowed in server development sections, imo.

As well as help sections like Coders Paradise and Hardware.

In fact, the most ideal mod for us would be one which shows each person's reputation/thanks for that section alone, and have a separate reputation recording for each section.

Example: Someone constantly posts bullshit in the Hardware section, yet contributes well in Coders Paradise. When they post in Hardware, the mod will show everyone that this person has a negative reputation in this section. However when he posts in the Coders Paradise, it shows him as having a high reputation for that section.

//Edit: To prevent people from misusing this feature, how about if you only give moderators the power to grant reputation, and only in their own sections? Therefore it's up to the mods to give reputation to the posters of their section, which will make it alot clearer to see who are the main contributors in the major sections?
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I like it.
I doubt most mods are going to want to take the time to do that, but it is a good idea.

True, forget the moderators then.

How about... if 'Thanks' information is made public? ie. We can all see who gave you 'Thanks', and for which post? That way it will be easy to catch people who are misusing it, and we can report them or w/e.

Alternatively, what about a mod which counts up your 'Thanks', and grants the top 5 people from each section (who have received the most 'Thanks' from that specific section) a medal next to their username (much like the activity medals we have/had), with the title of "Contributor for ___". Maybe give them a slightly different color also?

Example: The top 5 people who have received the most 'Thanks' from the Hardware section, will get a medal next to their name (mouse-over and it will read "Contributor for Hardware"). It also may change your user title to read "Contributor for Hardware", or it may instead move you into a secondary "contributor" usergroup.

Just coming up with ideas because at the moment, the 'thanks' system means absolutely NOTHING. I see the OP Cobe has 140 'Thanks', but that means absolutely nothing to me. Why did he get them? What are they for? Where does he contribute? It doesn't tell me anything. I know this thread is about installing a negative feedback system, but i feel that if the positive feedback is made fair and done properly, there won't be a need for any negative systems.
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This is a great idea. I totally would do that.

I'm pretty sure it's possible to have a medal for the person who received the most thanks in each section. MentaL would just have to edit the award system and add a new one that counts up the thank field.
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