• Networking: The investigation is still on the way, we've switched to backup telecom carriers since the episode but we're still working in settling everything as it must be. We'll add more updates as we have them available. Incoming and outgoing emails will be restricted, and user registration has been disabled until the issue is resolved.

GTA:V Multiplayer - Help Section Rules [IMPORTANT]

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Staff member
Apr 28, 2007
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Biesmen - GTA:V Multiplayer - Help Section Rules [IMPORTANT] - RaGEZONE Forums

Welcome to the GTA:V Multiplayer Help section. In this section you will find all help related topics: Requests, help requests, etc. You're free to post in this section, but there are some rules for this sub-section. Make sure you will follow these rules when posting in the GTA:V Help section.

Before reading the rules of this section, you are recommended to read the
RaGEZONE General Forum rules first and the General GTA:V Multiplayer section rules.

General Rules
These rules count for this section and every sub-section.

  1. [*=left]Stay on-topic. Make sure the original subject of the topic stays the same.
    [*=left]Do not bump threads. Do not bump old threads. You are, however, allowed to bump an old thread if you post a form of contribution to that post. For example, releasing an update or you found a fix and you are willing to share it with others.
    [*=left]Do not spam. Posts with no content such as "lol, thx, k, awesome, wow" will be removed. If you want to thank someone or you liked what someone said, click on the "Like" button below that post. The like button can be recognised by this logo:
    Biesmen - GTA:V Multiplayer - Help Section Rules [IMPORTANT] - RaGEZONE Forums

    [*=left]Bots, hacks, cheats, infected, illegal software is not allowed. This section is for GTA:V Multiplayer Server development only, no illegal software is allowed to be released here.
    [*=left]Do not sell or buy server files. Selling and/or buying server files is strictly forbidden on RaGEZONE.
    [*=left]Advertisements belong in the Free MMO Servers section. Server advertisements belong in this section: http://forum.ragezone.com/f115/
    [*=left]Do not post Team Recruitment posts here. Team Recruitment posts belong in the Team Recruitment section here: http://forum.ragezone.com/f206/

GTA:V Help Sub-section Rules
These rules count for the GTA:V Help Section

  1. [*=left]Add a tag infront of your thread title. Add the tag of the multiplayer modification so everyone knows for which multiplayer modification your help request is. For example: [GTAOrange] Can't connect to my MySQL Server or [GTANet] Undefined index error when using my own created array
    [*=left]Use a proper title. Titles such as "help plz, i need help, why doesn't it work" and other bad titles will be removed. It has to be as detailed as possible. This will also help your problem to be resolved faster.
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