[Guide] Adding Custom Spawns

Apr 28, 2005
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Step One

In PGAdmin, go Under the Conquer server, expand the Conquer database, expand schemas, expand public, expand tables, right click the MonsterSpawns table and click View Data.

Ron - [Guide] Adding Custom Spawns - RaGEZONE Forums

Step Two

Scroll to the bottom. This is where you will add your new spawn.

The format is setup like this;

[COLOR=Red]mobid [/COLOR]| [COLOR=Blue]xstart[/COLOR] | [COLOR=Red]ystart[/COLOR] | [COLOR=Blue]spawnid[/COLOR] | [COLOR=Red]mapname[/COLOR] | [COLOR=Blue]xstop[/COLOR] | [COLOR=Red]ystop[/COLOR] | [COLOR=Blue]amount[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Red]modid[/COLOR] - Found in the Monsters table. For this guide, we will be spawning Phesants, so we will use the number 1.

[COLOR=Blue] xstart[/COLOR] - This is the starting X coordinate for your spawn region.

[COLOR=Red] ystart[/COLOR] - This is the starting Y coordinate for your spawn region.

[COLOR=Blue] spawnid[/COLOR] - We are adding line 40 to the table, so we put a 40 here. The next row is line 41, so in the next row you will put 41 here.

[COLOR=Red] mapname[/COLOR] - This is the name of the map your spawn will be in. We are spawning Phesants in Twin City, so we will put TwinCity here.

[COLOR=Blue] xstop[/COLOR] - This is the ending X coordinate for your spawn region.

[COLOR=Red] ystop[/COLOR] - This is the ending Y coordinate for your spawn region.

[COLOR=Blue] amount[/COLOR] - This is the amount of monsters that will be spawned in the region.
So in the MonsterSpawns table, make your line look like this;

Ron - [Guide] Adding Custom Spawns - RaGEZONE Forums

Save the table and close it.

Start the server and go in-game. There should now be 3 Phesants at this location; (two are stacked but there are 3 there)


Have fun!
ya how do we make the npcs work i have my server running and all but the npcs dont work and i cant sell any itemss fo rmoney and the monsters never drop the money. can u tell me how to set ti up an dwhere to add the npc scripts
i did everything it sais the first time it worked the second time when i wanted to put HawKing on BI it didnt work, does anyone know why?