[Guide] Audition Server 1.6

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Jun 9, 2006
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Before I start off, I would like to tell you that this is the reproduction of the previous guides with all the loop-holes covered and easier for newbies to understand better the working of the server and feel at ease while setting the server up.


I am writing this guide in total english and more organized fashion than the previous one. Hope it will come in handy to people out there.

Step 1
: Getting The Required Files

You need to download the required files for setting up the server.

1. Audition Server 1.6 - -- Thnx to "hctthanh2" for the server files.
2. Navicat 2004 v6.07 - Google it.
3. MySQL 4.1 -
4. Any Hex Editor - Google it.

Step 2: Installing the downloaded components.

Install MySQL 4.1 and Navicat 2004 onto your system and extract the Audition Server files.

Step 3: Restoring the databases.

In the "auditiondb" folder of the server files, you will find three SQL Queries by the names - audition, auditionlog, auditionlogin.

Now to go Query Analyzer of the SQL Server and do the following.
The System will ask you for authentication. Enter the Password that you set while installing MySQL 4.1.
After entering open a new window and open the database "audition". Then click on run at the bottom of the same window. A processing bar will show up and when it is completed, you have successfully restored the "audition" database.

Now follow the same for the remaining two Databases too.

The databases should have the following names -
auditiondb - auditiondb
auditionlog - auditionlog
auditionlogin - auditionlogin

Step 4: Creating a New Login.

Name: Enter the name you wish to keep as your admin ID
Host: %
Password: Set your password

And please set the Global Priviliges to the user you just created on all the three databases.

Step 5: Setting the root password

Start>Run and type in "cmd" and in Command Prompt, go to the directory where you installed MySQL 4.1 and execute the following command.
mysql -u root -p

Then enter your root password which you already set earlier.
For Eg: If your password is "ragezone" then type in the following format.

ragezone [Press Enter]
'ragezoneau'@'%' = OLD_PASSWORD(''); [Press Enter]

Here "ragezoneau" stands for the root admin ID and % stands for the host name which you initially defined. And Old Password is given as a null.

: But if you wish to use a different username and not "ragezoneau", then you need to follow the following procedure.

In the GameDBAgent folder of the server files you will find DBAgentPay.exe - Open this file in a hex editor and search for "ragezoneau" and replace it with your own Username.

In the LoginDBAgent folder of the server files you will find another DBAgentPay.exe - Open this file in a hex editor and search for "ragezoneau" and replace it with your Username.

Step 6: Editing the server files data

In Accountserver>Data you will find a file called the ServerList.ini
Change the IP which is present with or your WAN IP.

In GameDBAgent>Data you will find a file called the DBInfo.ini
Change the IP's which are currently present to or your WAN IP.

In Gameserver>Data you will find a file called the Serverinfo.ini
Change the IP's which are currently present to or your WAN IP and also set the name of your server by replacing "Thai2Monster"

In Gateway>Data you will find a file called the Serverinfo.ini
Change the IP which is currently present to or your WAN IP and also set the name of your server by replacing "Thai2Monster".

In LoginDBAgent>Data you will find a file called the DBInfo.ini
Change the IP's which are currently present to or your WAN IP.

Step 6
: Running the Servers

Congratulations! You have successfully set up your server. Now please run the following in the given Order.

1. Account Server
2. Game DB Server
3. Login DB Server
4. Gateway
5. Game Server

Your server should be up and running.


Client Side:

Step 1: Downloading the client

The client can be found at -

The pre-set authentications are --
: game
Password: game

Step 2: Patching the client.

Run Patcher.exe provided with the client files and select "Server 1"
Open The Hex-Editor (WinHex is preferrable as this Guide was predefined for it)
In WinHex, Open the Tool - Ram (Shortcut: Alt + F9) and Select Patcher.exe and the first Server.

The current IP in the client is Search for that value but converting this into hex and then perform a non-case sensitive search. On doing so, you will find the IP and replace it with or WAN IP depending on what you set in your server files.
Save and Close the HeX Editor.

Continue with the Patcher.exe provided and go on until the Login Screen. Once you are at the login screen - alt+tab and return to WinHex and launch Ram and select audition and the first selection in that.

Then copy this value - /t3enter 14007E346F540B52760D5069125A67054565035D
Now you need to make a shortcut of Audition.exe on the desktop or anywhere else and in the Target Window - at the end of the target add in /t3enter 14007E346F540B52760D5069125A67054565035D

You can enter the game using this client. If you have client compatibility problems, it can always be changed in the auditionlogin database anytime.

The v1.7 client is not compatible with this server.

Hope this version of the guide helps you understands better.

-- iNs@nE
Thx iNs@nE for a detailed guide. But i think it is better if you use 1.7 version or higher. However many ppl in thix box need your help ! PERFECT WORK, MOD!
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launcher connect to by me :) . Delete hex step plz :)
I dont think that will be necessary. What you posted is only for the IP , whereas the guide explains how to set the IP's on an over-all condition basis.

Thank You.

I hexed patcher.exe from vn client . you can see the number downloaded and check it .
I hexed patcher.exe from vn client . you can see the number downloaded and check it .
Many ppl can connect to the server without using your launcher. Using a Hex program to change IP isnt difficult !!
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hallo guys, can reupload this link?
The client can be found at - <-- dead link allready.

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