[Guide] Bumblebee's "How to create a R.O.S.E Online Private Server" Guide

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Newbie Spellweaver
Feb 24, 2007
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Welcome to Bumblebee's "How to create a R.O.S.E Online Private Server" Guide. In this thread i will learn you how to create a stable R.O.S.E Online private server on localhost. Because of allot of problems in other threads i made this guide. To create a R.O.S.E Online private server you'll need some files. Here below you'll see the required files.

What Do i need?

rose CMS

The Guide

MySQL & Install
First of all, start by installing The Rose online Evolution Client, EasyPHP and Navicat MySQL. After that start Easyphp and Navicat MySQL. When that is done unpack the private server Database in My Documents or where ever you want and go to Navicat. Right button on local host and click on New Database.... Call it roseon. When that is done right button on Roseon and click on execute batch file and search for osrose svn.sql.If that is done all the files are succesfully executed it should be about 8k of queries.


Server files

Extracht the files in the folder of Bumblebee in Program Files\TriggerSoft\Rose Online Evolution\ or where ever u have installed Rose Online Evolution.

Now run Easyphp. Go to Program Files/Easyphp/WWW and unpack the CMS in there and use this in config.php

// MySql
$hostname = 'localhost';
$username = 'root';
$database = 'roseon';

after that go to:

localhost/CMS or whatever you did. and register a account.

run the files;

1. Login Server.exe
2. Char Server.exe
3. World Server.exe

Now create a file called Launchgame.bat and open it in Notepad and fill in;

TRose.exe @TRIGGER_SOFT@ _server

Now you can launch your game with launchgame.bat

now you can login with the account you've created in the CMS.

Thank you for reading this guide, if you have any questions, suggestions or problems you can reply in this topic.

How to let other connect to your server.
By Varlog

Ok now we found out a solution how to get this online!
Thanks to lexil the admin of evorose and Bumbl3bee

First of go to your folder with the data files its named like : fullserver ... something.
Download hamachi and make a new network.
Then open the config.ini and do that :

loginip=hamachi ip

charip=hamachi ip

worldip=hamachi ip

Now IMPORTANT first start the 3 servers , after that go to navicat and go to the channel database, turn all your ip adresses to your hamachi IP.
I dont know how to do it else but like that u have to do it everytime u restart ur servers. Dont forget to change your startgame.bat to your hamachi ip too ,
anyone who wants to connect ur server needs this startgame.bat

By Varlog

Good Luck and have fun :)

NOTE: None of these files are created by me.
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Re: Bumblebee's "How to create a R.O.S.E Online Private Server" Guide

when i try to run the login server it opens and closes right away
Re: Bumblebee's "How to create a R.O.S.E Online Private Server" Guide

Operating System. Windows/Linux...? and did you turn firewall off?
Re: Bumblebee's "How to create a R.O.S.E Online Private Server" Guide

well runing the those exe works fine... on the other guide iono i have windows xp and yea i tried my firewalls stuff didnt work
Re: Bumblebee's "How to create a R.O.S.E Online Private Server" Guide

well runing the those exe works fine... on the other guide iono i have windows xp and yea i tried my firewalls stuff didnt work

hmm download the other one and past it over those files because i asked someone else and it worked fine at his computer.
Re: Bumblebee's "How to create a R.O.S.E Online Private Server" Guide

have you tried things like restarting your comp or restarting mysql...?
Re: Bumblebee's "How to create a R.O.S.E Online Private Server" Guide

It says acces denied for root@localhost (Using password : NO )
When I start MySQL config wizard.
Standart -> first thing -> make password and anonymus user -> next -> then when he write files it comes.
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