[Guide]Creating a MaNGOS 1.12.1 Private Server

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Newbie Spellweaver
Jan 15, 2007
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Guide was completely made by me.

Hi there, well, you've seen LOADS of different servers that are version 1.12.1, but of course you want one too! If so, I suggest you use this guide
Note: This guide was specifically made to be as noob friendly as possible, I freakin put images for MySQL configuration, if you can't follow this, your IQ is below 20 or you have ADD.

Let's get started shall we?

Tools you will be needed
  • A copy of World of Warcraft 1.12.1 either enUS or enGB, other versions are not supported
  • MaNGOS Bins (Rev 3200 + MCH) ->
  • SDB 0.6.1 ->
  • The map extracting tool ad.exe ->
  • The *.dbc extraction tool mpqe.exe ->
  • MySQL ->
  • A MySQL admin tool, such as Navicat or SQLyog, in this guide I will be using SQLyog because it is free and is almost the same as Navicat ->
  • WAMP PHP5 Apache MySQL (For your website) ->

Step 1: Creating your Workspace + Installing your files
Extracting MaNGOS Bins
  1. Download and extract your MaNGOS bins wherever you want, but this is where your server files will be placed. I will be referring to this as the MaNGOS directory. Please make sure that once you open that folder, there is no folder inside, so when you open your MaNGOS Dir. you will see the batch files mangosd.exe and realmd.exe, and other files. If you do not see these, cut the files and put them in the correct folder.
Installing tools
  1. After downloading, double click the MySQL installation tool and begin installing your files. You don't need to sign up to use this, but you can do this later (I think it's free). After skipping the sign up, pick whatever dir. you want to install it (feel free to leave it as default), and then beginning installing. After it's completely, make sure that "Configure my MySQL Server Now" is checked off and then click Finish.
Configuring your MySQL Server
  1. Once the window pops up introducing you to the config wizard, click next
  2. Choose standard configuration then click next
    eL3v3nz - [Guide]Creating a MaNGOS 1.12.1 Private Server - RaGEZONE Forums
  3. Then choose to Install As Windows Service then click next
    eL3v3nz - [Guide]Creating a MaNGOS 1.12.1 Private Server - RaGEZONE Forums
  4. In the two empty dialog boxes, type in the password you wish to use for the MySQL root (aka Administrator) account. This is the most important account on MySQL and has full access to all databases and functionality. It's recommended you use a very strong password to prevent access to your MySQL server instance. Also, if you want to make your server public, check off "Enable root access from remote machines". Then click next
    eL3v3nz - [Guide]Creating a MaNGOS 1.12.1 Private Server - RaGEZONE Forums
  5. In this new window you should see 4 white bullets, and below a button called Execute. Click that button and wait for it to finish, it should then say below those 4 buttons in black that you have succesfully configured your MySQL server. That's when you click finish.
Getting Maps + DBCs
  1. Copy your ad.exe folder to your 1.12.1 enUS/enGB WoW Directory.
  2. Create a folder called maps in your 1.12.1 enUS/enGB WoW Directory
  3. Double click the ad.exe tool. Wait till it has finished extracting the map files.
  4. Once completely copy&paste or cut&paste the "maps" folder which should have 2400+ map files / 700mb of space to your Mangos Directory. Your Mangos Directory should now have the folders "maps" and "sql".
  1. Download this:
  2. Extract the folder into your Mangos Directory

    Step 2: Setting up your Database
    Connecting to your MySQL Server
    1. Open up SQLyog. Please make sure it looks something like this:
      eL3v3nz - [Guide]Creating a MaNGOS 1.12.1 Private Server - RaGEZONE Forums

      The difference would be that firstly, the "password" you put was the one in step 4 for MySQL configuration, aka, your MySQL root password. Make sure that at the bottom it has the 2 databases: realmd;mangos (not mangod).
    Creating Empty Databases
    1. Click connect.
    2. On the left there is a tab called root@localhost. To create your databases. Right click that and click "Create new database" Name it "mangos"
    3. Repeat this step but name it this time "realmd"
    4. If the databases are already there, then you can skip these steps
    Creating Spawned Databases
    I suggest you close your SQLyog and open it again so you can see the new databases, which should look like this on the left tab:
    eL3v3nz - [Guide]Creating a MaNGOS 1.12.1 Private Server - RaGEZONE Forums

    If it looks like this, then we can move onto the next step, if it doesn't then it sux2beu (or I suggest you re-do EVERYTHING).
    1. Right click Realmd and click Restore from SQL Dump. This will open a new window. At the top there is a white bar, to the right there is a button with "..." inside, click that button, then go to your Mangos Directory, click the "sql" folder, and double click realmd. It should take you back to that window, now you can click execute. After it finishes, close the window.
    2. Right click mangos and click Restore from SQL Dump. This will open a new window. At the top there is a white bar, to the right there is a button with "..." inside, click that button, then look for where you extracted SDB (if you haven't do so now and then refresh the folder). Double click the SQL file and click Execute. Wait till it finishes loading (this may take a while depending on your CPU). After it's finished entirely, close the window.
    Configuring MaNGOS!
    Alright, so you have set up all your files, and you have gotten everything in tip top shape :) So then one last step until you are ready to starting up your MaNGOS LAN Server.
    1. Open up your MaNGOS Directory
    2. Right click on realmd.conf and open as Notepad, Textpad, anything with "pad" at the end :P
    3. Find
      LoginDatabaseInfo =" Change it to "LoginDatabaseInfo = ";3306;root;[password];realmd"
      Your password should be the MySQL Root Password and then everything else should look like what's in the code. After edited, save and close realmd.conf
    4. Right click on mangos.conf and open as Notepad or Textpad
    5. Open mangosd.conf in notepad. It should be in your root server directory ("C:\MaNGOS).
    6. Find these lines and set as shown:
      o DataDir = "."
      o WorldDatabaseInfo = ";3306;root;[password];mangos"
      o LoginDatabaseInfo = ";3306;root;[password];realmd"
    7. Save and close file.

    Connecting to your MaNGOS Server
    1. Go to your MaNGOS Directory
    2. Double click on realmd.exe
    3. Double click on mangos.exe
    4. While it's loading, go to your WoW Directory, open up the realmlist, and change the contents to:
      set realmlist
    5. Start up your WoW.exe
    6. Wait for the "beep" which indicates that MaNGOS has loaded and you can connect. Then log in with the following sample info (for maximum commands:)
      user: administrator
      pass: administrator
    Voila! Create your characters and screw around!

    Upcoming Guides:
    Creating an Account Creation Page
    Making your Server Public
    Creating Custom Content
    Editing stuff in your Server
    Latest Bins
    Updating your MaNGOS


    Please do not leech this guide without asking me first, provide a link from where you got it from (hackingsource.net!) and say thanks!

Since this was my secend server ive made with mangos i pritty much didint need todo anything else then to get the files :P!

thank you tho
i don't get it:scratch:
1)i don't have Restore from SQL Dump
2)after some time i find what need to do(use novicat),but then another broblem -> BD is empty
3)what i need to with all those .sql in "Update" folder ? and with script.sql
PS: im a total noob in wow server :)
I know this is probably the wrong place, but I was just wondering if there was anyway I could make a private server LAN-capable? I don't want it advertised, just accessable to all those on a LAN.

I guess what I want is to make a private server into a local server, if that is at all possible.
Access only by LAN >> Use ur LAN IP as the Server IP or Realm IP in WOW.

Access by Internet >> Make a DNS in and use it to Re-Direct Traffic to your Server IP, even u can redirect Traffic to ur "localhost".

Note : Search the Forums for More Info | In a FORUM like RZ-WOW SEARCHING is EVERYTHING.
Ok, I have to server set up for private use, using administrator as the username/password.
It is quite fun to play with 0 lag, and (of course), use the abilities of a GM. (death touch on all of stormwind =D)

Now, I have the realmlist for WoW set to my LAN IP address, but my other computers can't log in because they don't have accounts. I've logged out and let them try to log in and use the administrator account, but when trying to log in to the server, they are instantly kicked back to the realmlist screen.

Am I missing something, or have I done something wrong?
Can any1 help me with this error i don't get it ;O

2007-02-17 11:30:43 ERROR:Check existing of map file '@MANGOSD_DATA@/maps/0004331.map': not exist!
2007-02-17 11:30:43 ERROR:Correct *.map files not found by path '@MANGOSD_DATA@/maps'. Please place *.map files in directory by this path or correct DataDir value in mangosd.conf file.

I checked the maps directory and the map 0004331.map is there. but i don't know why he issen't seeing it :O
Ok here comes the most retarded question ever! how can i set my lvl to 60? and XP rate how can i add some more XP these where the commands before:

.setlevel 60
.setxp 60

but i dunno what the commands are these days pls help! :D
dose any one have the files for ms sql 2005 or any programs so i can convert them to ms sql 2005

and yes i HAVE googled it! all i get is shat!
Any1 knows how i can make my server public and create accounts on it?

The IP's i see in the conf files are the IP's for the Database of MYSQL if i change those the server won't be able to start up so what must i do?
um..find this and change it to your ip
LoginDatabaseInfo =" Change it to "LoginDatabaseInfo = ""

to make account manuly you have to open your data base open tabes then accounts put name and password
that won't be working, What u are saying is that i need to change my IP to my Database IP but i want to make it public so my friend can join too.
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