[Guide] Custom Mounts

Newbie Spellweaver
Feb 18, 2006
Reaction score
First of all it isn't my guide i only found it at
There are files and some guides for mangos.
Also i foundednew links for utils :)
I used this to edit dbc files :) all other is somewhere on forums

1.Needed Programmes,
2.Introducing & Preparing,
3.The item,
4.The spell,
5.The creature,

1.Programmes you will need:
->M!crosoft Word/Textpad/Excel(Word and Excel are preffered but you can use the Textpad, which is already in W!ndows also):


->neoneo's DBC<->CSV Converter:
->Darjk'S WoWmodelview:

->Or myWoWstudio(myWarcraftstudio now) instead(Attention!Many Bugs):

->Also nice to have, the Dbc tool by noisehole:

2.Introducing and Preparing:
So first of all I dont take any responsibility if this crashes your \/\/o\/\/.But to avoid something like this the first thing you have to do is to make backups of both your \/\/o\/\/ client and your wowemu!If this requires too much space its ok if you backup only the "patch.mpq" in "C:\...\\/\/()RLD 0f \/\/@rCraft\Data\" and the wowemu simply without the maps folder.
Now I want explain how this works:The game sends out a request to both the client and the emu when you want to use an mount item.In the client it gets the information about the describtion and spell info and everything else like animation and sound.The emu provides the information of spells too but without the describtion and text!So when you go with your mouse over the mount item the part "This is a very fast mount ..." in green and the spell loading and icon which is displayed in the upper rigth comes from the client.After clicking on the item the game searches for the spell the item uses.It finds the spell (both spell.dbc's in client and wowemu)which forwards the game to the creatures.scp in the wowemu.In this file somewhere is the info of an creature that finally gives the game the model id... so basicly which model spawns under your character's foot.But only some models can be used as mounts cause they have the info where the charakter has to sit in the model.You can find out which models can be used with the wowmodelview under charakter>mount!

So lets start!Open Winmpq and load your patch.mpq.Then select .dbc in the tab where the * is and hit list.Search for the "DBFilesClient\CreatureModelData.dbc" and extract it by hitting the extract button.Also extract "DBFilesClient\CreatureDisplayInfo.dbc" and "DBFilesClient\Spell.dbc"!Browse to the folder where you saved them and put the too files from nneonneo's DBC<->CSV converter into it.Then extract the three dbc's by dragging them on the "DBCUtil.exe".Dont rename them after the progress finished.Do the same with the spell.dbc from the emu but remember it's from the emu!With a \/\/o\/\/ on version 1.8.x you need to extract the files from patch-2.mpq!And now lets go to the items:

3.The item:
Open items.scp in "wowemu/scripts/"and search for "Reins of the Striped Nightsaber" and copy the itemtext.Put the copy to the end of items_LF.scp in ".../scripts/extra" and change the item id and note the id.Then change the name of the item or the requiered level but let the flags and material and class as it is... ^^ also note the spell id (here in red "spell=10793 0 0 0 330 3000")You need to change this to e.g "40000".Now go to the spell.dbc..csv you extracted from the client and search for "10793", the old spell id.This should look like this...(spell:)

4.The spell:
(you can use excel to look at the .cvs.. its easier to describe like this but !!!use normal textpad to change cause excel destroys the cells for me so you cant reconvert!!!
"10793,0,0,0,0,21,0x10118110,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0,0,0,0x0,14,0,0,31,128,0,0x0,101,0,0,0,1,21,0,0,0,0,,1,0.0,0,0,0,0x0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0x0,0,-1,-1,6,6,0,0,1,0,0,0x1,0,0,,,0.0,0.0,0.0,0,59,0,0,0,0x0,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,78,32,0,0,0,0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0,0,0x0,0,0,0,7690,0,0,0,0,0,0.0,,,1708,0,836,122,0x0,,,,"Gestreifter Nachtsäbler",,,,,2031678,,,,"",,,,,2031676,,,,"Beschwört eine Reitsäblerkatze und gibt sie frei.",,,,,2031678,,,,"Erhöht Tempo um $s2%.",,,,,0x1F003E,0,0x0,0,0,0,0x0,0,0,0x0,-1,1.0,1.0,1.0,0x0,0,0x0,"

->red:change this to "40000" (the spell id you used for the item)
->yellow:change this to "60000"!
->blue:The describtion for the spell(when you cast)
->green:The describtion for the item(in green)

Do the same with the spell.dbc.csv from the emu but you cant change the describtions there causer there arent any...only change the id's.

5.The creature:
Now make a new .scp file name it creatures_LF and put it in "wowemu/scripts/extra" but make shure that you write "#include scripts/extra/creatures_LF"to the top of the cratures.scp in scripts!Now search the in creatures.scp for "Striped Nightsaber Mount" and copy the text into your new creatures_FH.scp"Change the name to what you like and the model to the id of the model you want to use for your new mount (But you cant use all models look with wowmodelview for which models you can use").Then you have to change the creature id to 60000!

Ehm yes and dont forget to save everything you've done... :>
Then reconvert the spell.dbc.csv back to dbc's put the edited spell.dbc from the emu back to the emu and again open Winmpq!In Winmpq open "patch.mpq" and list the dbc's, delete the "DBFilesClient\Spell.dbc" in blizzards database and drag yours into the window.. a new window opens in which you put "DBFilesClient\"and hit enter!

Congratulations! Everything done
Also very important:always delete the /wdb folder in you \/\/o\/\/ client it caches everything so thet if you change an item it still remains old...

Sorry that this is soo veeeeeeeeeeeerrryyyyy long and detailed but I gave my best ^.^If you have any question just ask... and notice that I#m also just a human so i make mistakes too >.<
Also thx to Piny, who was one of only some who showed interest and to suuuupa Darjk who helped alot also with his tool and the great ThozUT who helped most!Also to X-Production,xxschultzxx