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[Guide] Edit Loot - Structorian 2024-10-24

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Nov 22, 2013
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HaterAids submitted a new resource:

Structorian - Gate to Heavens .sgt and .smt str files [Loot Edits]

Structorian.exe with openkr.sgt and openkr.smt str files + a newer openkr.smt for English monster names

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HaterAids submitted a new resource:

Structorian - Gate to Heavens .sgt and .smt str files [Loot Edits]

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This is how to edit loot via Structorian.exe
The basics run the .exe file then load the structure to use by clicking the far left option (with the tool tip Load Structure definitions) which brings up a file loading screen. select the .str file to use.
Once that is done click the other file load icon (with the tooltip load data file)
To adjust loots you have several options.

Without editing anything from OSO release v2 has logic.cfg ->
ITEMDROP_RATE set to 100 you get rates are actually 2 decimal places to the right of what generateProbaility is..

Each monster has up to 10 rows of a loot list [openkr.smt ] and each loot list can hold up to 100 items [openkr.sgt ].
included in the lootbundle is an english name of monsters in the .smt so you can quickly find the mob you want get the index then load up the sgt file go to that index and add in new items. When changing the rows also update column itemNumber.
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