Tools needed:
MSSQL Server 2008 R2 (express edition will do)
Visual Studio 2010 (not sure if express will do)
.Net Framework 3.5 or later
the sql query i used:
you can edit rates at channelGUI.exe.config same for ip/sql connection strings for channel/servergui/launcher.
MSSQL Server 2008 R2 (express edition will do)
Visual Studio 2010 (not sure if express will do)
.Net Framework 3.5 or later
To view the content, you need to sign in or register
(if it ever gets past processing..)alt:
To view the content, you need to sign in or register
(only valid for month as i has no money to pay for those forums anymore ^_ ^)the sql query i used:
GRANT EXECUTE ON ChangeCharacterNickname TO Xiah -- for web'
GRANT EXECUTE ON GetAllCharactersByAccountId TO Xiah -- for web'
GRANT EXECUTE ON GetUserIdByUsernameAndPassword TO Xiah -- for web'
GRANT EXECUTE ON InsertNewAccount TO Xiah -- for web'
GRANT EXECUTE ON RemoveCharacter TO Xiah -- for web'
GRANT EXECUTE ON ResetSkills TO Xiah -- for web'
GRANT EXECUTE ON UserLogin TO Xiah -- for launcher
you can edit rates at channelGUI.exe.config same for ip/sql connection strings for channel/servergui/launcher.