• Networking: The investigation is still on the way, we've switched to backup telecom carriers since the episode but we're still working in settling everything as it must be. We'll add more updates as we have them available. Incoming and outgoing emails will be restricted, and user registration has been disabled until the issue is resolved.

[Guide] GM Commands and console activate

Newbie Spellweaver
Feb 6, 2012
Reaction score
Hi all! That's my mini-guide about game console.

Before all, you must activate a console in game client.

Open the folder with game client and in folder "profiles" change file input.cfg.
Under "commonbindsection" you must add bind toggle_debug_console '`' then save file and close it.
Then you can launch client.

In game client press the button ~ to open debug console.

It's some gm commands list for you.

set_access Master Sets you a Master access, letting you to use console commands
shelp Prints a list of all console commands
shelpf Search for a desired commands by the first symbol(s) typed after shelpf command
level_up Levelups the character to a stated value
set_level Sets a certain level to a character
add_exp adds a stated amount of exp; mandatory argument - amount of exp needed
add_honor adds a stated amount of honor; mandatory argument - amount of honor needed
attach_buff attaches a chosen buff to a character
add_rep adds a stated amount of reputation; mandatory arguments - faction, amount of reputation needed
learn_spell learn a chosen spell
learn_all_spells learn all the character's class spells without level confirmation
exploit use one of stationary objects or devices in melee radius
cast_spell make a character to cast a certain spell; mandatory argument - full name of desired spell from a directory /game/data
respawn in case of death - resurrect on the closest respawn spot
normalize buffs a character to restore a BaseStatValue
set_full_health set a basic value of max HP; mandatory argument - amount of HP needed
revive revive a character in case of death. If the character is alive - restore health
iddqd set invulnerability
print_quests (print a list of active quests) - command implements to a character that initiated the command
give_quest take a certain quest from a chosen character, if there's no characters chosen then the command implements to a character that initiated the command; mandatory argument - full name of the quest from a directory /game/data
finish_quest finish a certain quest to a chosen character, if there's no characters chosen then the command implements to a character that initiated the command; mandatory argument - full name of the quest from a directory /game/data
complete_quest set a certain quest "ready to deliver". Syntax is the same as give_quest one
accept_quest take a test quest, noticed in GameRoot.fakeQuest
print_quest_state print a state of a certain quest. Syntax is the same as in give_quest
abandon_quest abandon one of taken quests. Syntax is the same as in give_quest
take_loot take one or all the items from loot, it works as long as your bag is opened
print_bag print a content of a bag by slots
drop drop one or all the items from a bag
create_item create an item in a bag using a resource; mandatory argument - item resource name from a directory /game/data
move_item move an item in a bag; mandatory arguments - numbers of initial and destination slots
print_dress print a character's current equipment
put_on equip an item from a bag; mandatory argument - bag slot number
take_off unequip an item and put it in a bag; mandatory argument - slot number of the item you qish to unequip
add_money mandatory argument - value
add_items adds an equipment of VisualMob; mandatory argument - VisualMob
find_group find a group by the name of one of the members; mandatory argument - name
leave_group leave the group
teleport <XXXX> <YYYY> <ZZ> teleport to new coordinates; mandatory argument - coordinates in meters
tp2avatar teleport to avatar; mandatory argument - avatar name
tp2me <nick_name> teleport another avatar to me; mandatory argument - name of avatar
tp2loc <map-locator_name>[\_map-resource name\_] teleport to a certain named location on a map; mandatory arguments - name of location, path to and a name of location source - necessary in case the location is located on a zone different from the current one
tp2me_union teleport all members of a group to the character's location
kick kick a player from a game by his account name, no ban, just disconnection - so the player still can log in
kickbyavatar kick a player by his avatar name
avatar_info get an information about an avatar by its name. The information includes status - online/offline - coordinates and level
mute <avatar name> <duration in minutes> <reason, optional> prevent a player to post messages in chatroom for a certain period of time
unmute stop muting the player
ban <account name> <duration in days> ban an account for certain period of time
banbyavatar <Avatar name> <duration in days> ban an avatar for certain period of time
unban unban the banned account
gn_add <period of time in minutes, "0" means not to repeat> post a periodic message in a chatbox
gn_list get a list of id's of periodic messages posted before
gn_remove <id> delete a periodic message
gn_remove_all delete all repeatable messages
summon summon a mob or a device. It is necessary to enter the name of the object you wish to summon
sudo <player name > <console command [its parameters] his command allows GM to run a server console command in the name of another player
whose_avatar finds the owner of an avatar by its name and prints an account name in a console; Mandatory argument - avatar name
acc_avatars print in a console a list of all avatars on a certain account. Mandatory argument - account name
list_avatars print a list of currently playing avatars. Parameters: a number from which the list should start, and a length of the list
count_avatars count a number of online avatars
ping_server check the latency of a client query and a server response in milliseconds

And a txt file with full command list.
Mini-guide for this commands
I recommend to use notepad++ for correct work with this file.
Before all, i should say thanks to Nafer for this command list. Power allods... In our hurts. Mail.ru, kill yourself.
Some guide: in this file we have some list commands, for example:
dbDescriptors.cmds.uiData.CmdSetUIChunkManagerMode$name = set_ui_chunk_manager_mode - that you must type in console how a main command
dbDescriptors.cmds.uiData.CmdSetUIChunkManagerMode$help = установить режим ui chunk manager - This is russian comment
dbDescriptors.cmds.uiData.CmdSetUIChunkManagerMode.online = 1 - online, 0 - offline - This is special value for yours command, you must type that after you main command. For example, set_level 45(command set level)
All info about commands you can find if you will read it carefully. Good luck.
Go to Creatures.pak > chose a mob > copy path from mobname.xdb // type in console : summon 'path'

Example :

summon \Creatures\CritterCat\Cat.xdb
or something like this :)
If there is (Mobworld) behind the name you need to type this

summon "path"
the "" is important ! :)
Go to Creatures.pak > chose a mob > copy path from mobname.xdb // type in console : summon 'path'

Example :

summon \Creatures\CritterCat\Cat.xdb
or something like this :)
If there is (Mobworld) behind the name you need to type this

summon "path"
the "" is important ! :)
thanks bro that explains a lot
adding this line prevent client from running
bind toggle_debug_console '`'
client just exited without any message
adding this line prevent client from running
bind toggle_debug_console '`'
client just exited without any message

the client version 4.0 is unacceptable to make changes.
GM to call the console to use an addon: Interface Manager in conjunction with the addon addonstools


I think I'm too stupid do not get to run the Console Help me Please Thanks
P.s client version 4.0

Download and unpack 2 addons (GM-Addons.7z) in folder:

Maxcom - [Guide] GM Commands and console activate - RaGEZONE Forums

Run Client.
Go back to the Options

Go to:
Maxcom - [Guide] GM Commands and console activate - RaGEZONE Forums

Enter button 'Enable'
Maxcom - [Guide] GM Commands and console activate - RaGEZONE Forums

Maxcom - [Guide] GM Commands and console activate - RaGEZONE Forums

Go back to the Game
clik to clock
Maxcom - [Guide] GM Commands and console activate - RaGEZONE Forums

Enter button 'iM'
Maxcom - [Guide] GM Commands and console activate - RaGEZONE Forums

Enter button 'consoleForm'
Maxcom - [Guide] GM Commands and console activate - RaGEZONE Forums

Enter button 'debugConsole'
Maxcom - [Guide] GM Commands and console activate - RaGEZONE Forums

'Show' button = ON
'Enable' button = ON
Maxcom - [Guide] GM Commands and console activate - RaGEZONE Forums

Return to the 'consoleForm'
'Show' button = ON
'Enable' button = ON
Maxcom - [Guide] GM Commands and console activate - RaGEZONE Forums

GM-console is Run!
Maxcom - [Guide] GM Commands and console activate - RaGEZONE Forums


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U can give me a example to use tp2loc? thx
[COLOR=#A71D5D]tp2loc[/COLOR] Portal_League1_Capital /Maps/Kania/MapResource.xdb
tp2loc Center /Maps/Inst_DeadCity/MapResource.xdb
tp2loc Demons_Entrance /Maps/Inst_DeadCity/MapResource.xdb
tp2loc GS_StartPoint [COLOR=#DF5000]"/Maps/Inst_GurluhsorTower/MapResource.xdb"[/COLOR]
tp2loc TPBoss6 [COLOR=#DF5000]"/Maps/Inst_GurluhsorTower/MapResource.xdb"[/COLOR]
tp2loc GT_Boss5_SummonPlace2 /Maps/Inst_GurluhsorTower/MapResource.xdb
tp2loc GS_Boss1_Projectile /Maps/Inst_GurluhsorTower/MapResource.xdb
tp2loc SL_Boss3_B[COLOR=#0086B3]last[/COLOR]Locator /Maps/Inst_GurluhsorTower/MapResource.xdb
tp2loc Boss7Clone02 /Maps/Inst_GurluhsorTower/MapResource.xdb
tp2loc GS_Boss4_Locator1 /Maps/Inst_GurluhsorTower/MapResource.xdb

I can't summon any mobs or npc and the learn_all_spells command also not working.
How can i teleport to frontier? I cant see the locator and missing quest chain. Can i use tp2loc?
I have Developer rights to use console, but I have the same problem :mad:

Did you load the maps in shard -> cfg -> maps.cfg ? The maps need to be loaded for the locator to be accessable.

Or do
load_map "Maps\YOURMAPNAME\MapResource.xdb"
and then
list_locs "Maps\YOURMAPNAME\MapResource.xdb"

exchange YOURMAPNAME with the desired map.
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How i can set this rates fast? in one line of the console.
rate_set MobExp x
rate_set Authority x
rate_set QuestExp x
rate_set Reputation x
rate_set QuestLoot x
rate_set AstralLoot x
rate_set GoldAndTrashDrop x
rate_set WorldDrop x
rate_set QuestMoney x
rate_set PersonalDrop x

Every time that i start the server a need execute this commands one by one
Thanks, sorry for my bad English
hi, i'm GM not the developer >> need item id list plz + mobs