[Guide]Guide for Web WYD

Dec 25, 2004
Reaction score
-Appserve(server for webs) 2.5.7

-Download web 0.1(no is my web i am only reapir for found)

1-Install appserve 2.5.7, you need rember url appserv c:\programs files\appserve\www. this directory www is very importan
2-Open Explorer for test web
3-You look one web with name appserv. Congrtulation your install is correct
4-Now unrar web0.1 in www
5-Open reg.php, and edit Url:D or C:\\wyd2\\DBSRV\\run\\account
6-Open passch.php, and edit Url:D or C:\\wyd2\\DBSRV\\run\\account
7-Now test your web WYD and Test create one account and change password

Thank You
Sorry my english suck


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Re: Guide for Web WYD

plzzz how can i put this site to Appserve(server for webs) 2.5.7 to see online server i use offline ip:

plz tell! i wait or can you send to my mail [email protected] thnx alot
Re: Guide for Web WYD

nice guide thnx alot i the config for ip to see online my server but the problem is how can i update my server list.bin i edit my serverlist.bin to offline ip and i paste to site and i use it to my client but nothing happend no server online??? how can i update my serverlist.bin to see my server on!!!
Re: Guide for Web WYD

heh, that`s all are very old, try search :D
i configured better site with more ads, but it`s somewhere on one of my HDD, after that i reinstaled WIN OS :P
when i find it i`ll upload! :)
maybe someone get something better than this :)

good luck
Re: Guide for Web WYD

I tried the 2.0 version of the home page of WYD, the state of the server works well, but when I try to create an account, I get "error5" :S

I placed my IP WAN and he also set the URL in the archives "reg.php" and "passch.php."

In my hard route looks like this:


And thus I'm URL:


What can I do to fix it?