Experienced Elementalist
This guide shows you how to change the spawn of a new character and the items they spawn with.
1. You need the cordinates of the location you want the entire class to spawn
2. Write it down.
3. Log out.
4. Go to your database and into your char_templates.sql
and click human fighter.
*TIP* Only change the starting classes Human fighter, Human mystic, elf mage, elf fighter... etc.
5. The cordinates you had are in this order " X " " Y " " Z "
There are 3 fields you need to fill in, x y and z fill those in.
6. Save and restart the server.
How to change what players spawn with
This is very simple if you did the steps above,
In the same table there are 1-5 fields you can fill in or leave blank.
1. Get the ID of the item you want them to spawn with.
2. Put the ID in the first field. "Example = "Item 1 = 1234"
You can fill in as many of those fields as your datapack will allow you.
1. You need the cordinates of the location you want the entire class to spawn
2. Write it down.
3. Log out.
4. Go to your database and into your char_templates.sql
and click human fighter.
*TIP* Only change the starting classes Human fighter, Human mystic, elf mage, elf fighter... etc.
5. The cordinates you had are in this order " X " " Y " " Z "
There are 3 fields you need to fill in, x y and z fill those in.
6. Save and restart the server.
How to change what players spawn with
This is very simple if you did the steps above,
In the same table there are 1-5 fields you can fill in or leave blank.
1. Get the ID of the item you want them to spawn with.
2. Put the ID in the first field. "Example = "Item 1 = 1234"
You can fill in as many of those fields as your datapack will allow you.