[Guide] pgadmin video guides

Newbie Spellweaver
Feb 27, 2007
Reaction score
hey guys i made some video guys on how to create new accounts ect.
stole the idea from the thread of how to set up a conquer online server(movie)...
-account creation:

-monster spawns:

-adding monsters(using rons example of bandits):

-u will need this mech list from rons guide to add other monsters then bandits:

-this is how to add the skills tornado and stigma to ur account:

it is imporatant that when u sellect the skill code u can only select the code itself if u select more u will get an error

i will add more asap
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Wen i do that paste thing and i try to save it it says the name is to long what should i do?

ok i posted to fast wen i handed typed it nothing happend sorry
Wen i do that paste thing and i try to save it it says the name is to long what should i do?

ok i posted to fast wen i handed typed it nothing happend sorry
gonna answer anyway because allot of people will have the same problem,
it means u copyed to much...u should copy exactly the numbers and nothing more,u have copyed everything but the database leaves allot of whispace.
u guys are allowed to request guides because i ran out of ideas :p
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