[Guide] Realm Loop Fix Mangos TBC 2.0.6!


Newbie Spellweaver
Feb 15, 2007
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This fix is for only for people that are trying to connect the client on the same computer as the server. I do not know why realm loops happen with routers yet. My lan problem

OK, realm loops are an easy fix! You need SQLyog ( I'm assuming you have it ) now load your databases. Goto your Realmd_bc, you will see realmlist under the Database Realmd _bc. Right click realmlist and select view data, to your right will appear some information. click on where the IP is located and change it to Unless you are using a router. Then enter your router IP (This was tested only on Mangos TBC 2.0.6 let me know if it fixes 2.0.8)

Step 1:
Log in to SQLyog
SKi - [Guide] Realm Loop Fix Mangos TBC 2.0.6! - RaGEZONE Forums

Step 2:
SKi - [Guide] Realm Loop Fix Mangos TBC 2.0.6! - RaGEZONE Forums

Step 3:
The Address will be something else, like 58.198... I had to change mine as well. After you change the address to, make sure you click the blue save file icon on the top left corner as seen in the picture below. Then refresh it, all done ^^
SKi - [Guide] Realm Loop Fix Mangos TBC 2.0.6! - RaGEZONE Forums


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Or add the next line to

/windows/system32/drivers/etc/host yourserverip

On server machine ofcorse .

Correct! By using that method, it solved the Lan login problem and the realm loop I was running into. Solved two problems with one stone ^^. In the box shown above in step 3 where it shows, you can enter your router IP (example: for a lan game, or use DNS/WAN IP address too for online hosting. And yes, you should add the DNS/WAN or Router IP in /windows/system32/driver/etc/host.
Hi all

I still have the same problem with this realm looping, and have done the above but still no luck - and its driving me crazy, so any other help would be appreciated :)
WOW! thats weird im haveing the same REALM loop problem with ANTRIX server and no one will help me find out how to fix it,
THE only way to get internet AND lan access working is with use of the HOSTS file.

You need to get dyndns account so you can get internet access working.

But then you need ot use the local HOSTS file to remap the dyndns to the LAN IP of your server to let the lan people connect.
has nothing to do with the host files. atleast not with my computer and i running windows xp pro. host files are for home edition.

i had this problem fixed pre 2.3.2. Since the new patch i have had to change from one server to the mangos one

i will post the fix once i have found it again!!


Found that when i changed my port to alow for 8085 it let everyone connect...
I hope this is helpful

If you need help with router settings please go tothe following link and choose your router the rest is self explanatary