[Guide] RoseOnlineCMS [ Installation | Fixes | Help ]

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Aug 16, 2006
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Ontario, Canada
[Guide] Please delete this, I need to make a new guide.

I have seen problems around here where people are getting directory listings, mysql errors, blank pages, and other stupid things. This will fix all that.

- Step 1

Download RoseOnlineCMS from
or search the forum for version 2.6 / 3.0 / 3.2.

Place the files in your web directory. It is recommended you use Wamp5 for no problems!
Use the www folder if your using wamp.
or use the htdocs folder if your using xampp.

- Step 2

Go to the _inc folder / includes folder (depends on the version).
Open config.php.

You will see somthing like this:

$cms['db']['host'] = ''; // Database Host
$cms['db']['user'] = ''; // Database User
$cms['db']['pass'] = ''; // Database Pass
$cms['db']['name'] = ''; // Database Name

Fill in $cms['db']['host'] with localhost or your ip.
Fill in $cms['db']['user'] with the user that accesses roseon.
Fill in $cms['db']['pass'] with the password that the user above uses.
Fill in $cms['db']['name'] with the database name. Such as roseon


Your RoseOnlineCMS site should now be working!!

- Fixes

Problem: I get a blank page whenever I go to my site.
Fix: It is xampp, download wamp5 and use that.

Last edited:
Re: [Guide] Installing RoseOnlineCMS + Fixes

hey my site still wont work...I'm useing RoseOnlineCMS 3.2 Lite with XAMPP (should I use XAMPPlite?)

anyways can you tell me if im doing this right?(P.S. irose is my database not roseon

// Database
$cms['db']['host']    =   'localhost'; // Database Host
$cms['db']['user']    =   'root'; // Database User
$cms['db']['pass']    =   ''; // Database Pass
$cms['db']['name']    =   'irose'; // Database Name
// Site
$cms['site']['title']   =   'RoseOnlineCMS Lite'; // Site Title
$cms['site']['drop']   =   ''; // Server Drop
$cms['site']['expr']   =   ''; // Server EXP
$cms['site']['zuly']   =   ''; // Server Zuly
$cms['site']['temp']  =   'default'; // The default template to be used. Check if it is in the templates folder first.
$cms['site']['girl']  =  'hide'; // Wierd girl appears on the page. Show / Hide
$cms['site']['forum']  =  'mailto:[email protected]'; // Forum Link
// Downloads
$cms['site']['client']  =  'http://www.clientdownload.com'; // Client download link
$cms['site']['patch']  =  'http://www.patchdownload.com'; // Patch download link
$cms['site']['launcher'] =  'http://www.launcherdownload.com'; // Launcher download link
Re: [Guide] Installing RoseOnlineCMS + Fixes

Download wamp and use that instead of xampp
Some people have problems when using xampp
Re: [Guide] Installing RoseOnlineCMS + Fixes

Make sure its in your www folder and re check yourr config make sure everything is correct
// Database
$cms['db']['host'] = 'localhost'; // Database Host
$cms['db']['user'] = 'root'; // Database User
$cms['db']['pass'] = ''; // Database Pass
$cms['db']['name'] = 'irose'; // Database Name

type in in your web browser it still appears blank?
Re: [Guide] Installing RoseOnlineCMS + Fixes

not blank but i got that, index of /, thing and it has rose cms 3.2 lite.rar, roseonline CMS 3.2, thumbs.db, dossier.gif, logo_i.gif

no special layout or anything just that =/

All thos are links...
Re: [Guide] Installing RoseOnlineCMS + Fixes

not blank but i got that, index of /, thing and it has rose cms 3.2 lite.rar, roseonline CMS 3.2, thumbs.db, dossier.gif, logo_i.gif

no special layout or anything just that =/

All thos are links...

alright lets say you you have a CMS folder with your website crap on it (index.php download.php ect..)
copy all the files in that folder and past them into your www folder in wamp same goes for xampp

And locolijo don't say his things suck if you think they suck then you do something better and release it.
if you have nothing good to say don't say anything
Re: [Guide] Installing RoseOnlineCMS + Fixes

alright lets say you you have a CMS folder with your website crap on it (index.php download.php ect..)
copy all the files in that folder and past them into your www folder in wamp same goes for xampp

And locolijo don't say his things suck if you think they suck then you do something better and release it.
if you have nothing good to say don't say anything
can you tell me exactly where the download.php is plz?

yea locolijo thats not cool bro =X
Re: [Guide] Installing RoseOnlineCMS + Fixes

download that and put it into your www folder
Re: [Guide] Installing RoseOnlineCMS + Fixes

Are you still getting the blank page when you type
Re: [Guide] Installing RoseOnlineCMS + Fixes

yea this is what i have in the www folder -
Matt - [Guide] RoseOnlineCMS [ Installation | Fixes | Help ] - RaGEZONE Forums
Re: [Guide] Installing RoseOnlineCMS + Fixes

ok drag the rose cms 3.2 lite folder onto your desktop
then delete everything out of your WWW folder after you have deleted everything from your www folder go to your rose cms lite 3.2 lite folder highlight everything in that folder then copy it go back into your www folder and past it

and make sure you go into your config.ini and edit the sql username pass ect..
Re: [Guide] Installing RoseOnlineCMS + Fixes

still don't work =/ after i started all services its still blank do i have to port foward any ports maybe?
Re: [Guide] Installing RoseOnlineCMS + Fixes

nope your port 80 should be forwarded already
If you want i can try helping you threw msn
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