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[Guide]SQL Server 2008 Installation and restore

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Newbie Spellweaver
Feb 18, 2004
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SQL Server 2008 Installation and restore Guide

After you got your files http://forum.ragezone.com/f569/release-xiah-china-server-translated-and-client-80-english-607520/, extract them to C:\, where eventaully
you will have "C:\Xiah Server" with all files in it ("C:\Xiah Server\Xiah Server" is bad).
If you wish to extract it to a different driver it covers some complicated work which I will
help you cover up if you need.

-You will need sql server 2008 express/full (get the full one yourself ;P),
2005 or 2000 won't work since translated dbs were used by 2008,
and are no longer valid for older versions.
-Windows 2000/XP (any higher will just not work with the files).
-Common sense. <- Me likes.

Getting Sql server 2008 Express:

-Type in your address bar, and when it
loads, click the button as in the following picture:
enis - [Guide]SQL Server 2008 Installation and restore - RaGEZONE Forums

-a window with download details will open, click "Install it now!"
-follow the details on the screen to get the Web Installer, once you got it and ran it,
choose SQL server 2008 express and sql management studio 2008 install both. If you have
any questions regarding the web installer or sql 2008 installation please post here with screenshots so I can solve
your problem.

-Open the management studio. Connect to your server, expand it and expand "Databases",
then do as the following picture shows:
enis - [Guide]SQL Server 2008 Installation and restore - RaGEZONE Forums

-Now, in field "To database" write "Xiah", and tick "From device", the click the "..." (browse) button as shown in the following
enis - [Guide]SQL Server 2008 Installation and restore - RaGEZONE Forums

-In the newly open window, click "Add", then navigate to "C:\Xiah server\DB Backup". Choose
Xiah.bak and press OK. Press OK once more.

-Tick "Restore" then click "Options" on the left tab:
enis - [Guide]SQL Server 2008 Installation and restore - RaGEZONE Forums

-Change each Restore As to "C:\Xiah Server\DB" with the same files name as shown below:
enis - [Guide]SQL Server 2008 Installation and restore - RaGEZONE Forums

-Do the same as above to all backups with names as follows: Xiah_Account, Xiah_log, Xiah_server.

-Expand Security tab in your Management studio, then right click "Logins",
and click New login. as Login name type Xiah, and choose SQL Server authentication, then input
your password. Select the default database as "Xiah".
Click "Server Roles" on the left tab and tick "serveradmin", the press OK.

The rest you need can be found in the following topic:

Good luck,
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