[Guide] Troubleshooting & FAQ

Newbie Spellweaver
May 23, 2006
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a compilation of the problems I faced

After installing 9you O2Jam, you must restart! Usually o2jam doesn't work if you don't restart. [ All my friends had problems until they restarted ]

Setting Up Server

Problem : < To Be Filled In Later >

Answer : You need to make a sql account

Installing O2Jam

Problem : My O2Jam setup installs up to ___% and stops there forever

Answer : Your client is probably corrupted. Try downloading the client again.

Running O2Jam

Problem : My friend joins my room and I start the game. It takes a while for my friend to load the game. After a while the game starts but my friend has disappeared. My friend tells me his/her o2jam crashed.

Answer : Try playing the same song again it should work.

: When I start launchserv.bat the screen turns black and exits to the desktop

: Try restarting the computer

Problem : I only have a few songs enabled. A lot of the songs are greyed out.

Answer : Try making a copy of ojnbest.dat, rename it to OJNList.dat, replace the OJNList.dat in the image folder of o2jam and the data folder in Server-Commercial\Server. Make your your friends replace their OJNList.dat too. Also when you install o2jam try to install to C:\Program Files\9you\o2jam, replacing the default gibberish directory [ it's gibberish if you don't have chinese set i believe ]. I already had the o2jam songs downloaded from the English O2Jam so what I did was copy the songs from the English one to the Chinese one. But DID NOT OVERWRITE ANY OF THE SONG FILES IN THE CHINESE one. It's best that all your songs are from the chinese version. I will upload the songs to my site once I have finish downloading them.

Problem : My friend joins the room but he gets kicked out

Answer : Your friend does not have the song. Make sure your friend has the same OJNList.dat and song file. When your friend installs o2jam tell them to install to C:\Program Files\9you\o2jam, replacing the default gibberish directory [ it's gibberish if you don't have chinese set i believe ].

: When I start o2jam it gets to the 9you and o2media splash screen and there is a pop error. Upon clicking the button it exits me back to the desktop.

Answer : Make sure o2jam is in your o2jam folder. Inside the o2jam folder should be Interface1.opi and OJNBEST.DAT. Also try restarting

Problem : I cannot select NX/HX mode

Answer : Enter the planet on the bottom right colored [ it's the multi colored planet ] The other planets limit you to NX or EX only.

Problem : I can't buy items!

Answer : You can't but you can edit your character to have certain items through the sql database. More information here

Problem : I/My friend can't enter a channel. I/My friend gets into the channel, a message pops up and I'm/My friend sent back to the page with the planets.

Answer : < To Be Filled In Later >

Problem : My o2jam crashes when I use the emotional icons

Answer : Don't use them

: My friend cannot connect to my server.

Answer :
< To Be Filled In Later >

Problem : My friend joins my room and I start the game. My friend and I get booted with an error message that contains o2jma###.

Answer : < To Be Figured Out later >

Misc :

Question : How do I make an avatar with no head?

Answer : I need to go figure this out [ I did it accidentally ^^ ]

Question : How do I change my level

Answer : < To Be Filled In Later >

i'll add more later
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Custom Title Activated
Loyal Member
Sep 4, 2004
Reaction score
I will stick this up for the time being.
Custom Title Activated
Loyal Member
Sep 4, 2004
Reaction score
Unstucked due to lack of update to the FAQ.
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Initiate Mage
Apr 13, 2008
Reaction score

Problemwhen run the program it was fine everything was ok, until u will come 2 a place where u nid 2 choose which music hall 2 play in, so when i press 2 enter kalliope hall they wrote there "web db query error". wat should i do, i reli wan 2 play O2jam
Initiate Mage
Apr 13, 2008
Reaction score

Problem : when run the program it was fine everything was ok, until u will come 2 a place where u nid 2 choose which music hall 2 play in, so when i press 2 enter kalliope hall they wrote there "web db query error". wat should i do, i reli wan 2 play O2jam
Experienced Elementalist
Apr 9, 2007
Reaction score
are you playing in official servers
becuase it will not work on official servers
Initiate Mage
Apr 13, 2008
Reaction score
a compilation of the problems I faced

can somebody plz tell me wat the hell is a "web db query error" and how 2 solve this problem dat im having when trying 2 play O2Jam. the game client is fine onli when entering the music hall the error pop up