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[Guide]Xiah Rebirth - General Guide

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Newbie Spellweaver
Dec 23, 2007
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This was made by Uplink from the official Xiah Rebirth forum I'm just bringing it here for you convinience.

1. Character classes: their ups and downs
2. Starting out: what to do and where to hunt?
3. Learning martial arts (skills) & recommended builds
4. Questing
5. Pet system
6. Other
a) Personal shops
b) Mining
c) Party system & leveling up
d) Berserk

1. Character classes: their ups and downs
There are four basic characters you can choose from. They are the Sword Man, the Warrior, the Ghost Fighter and the Mage.

Sword Man

The Sword Man is a balanced melee character on both offense and defense. He has the most HP between all the other characters and is usually a good candidate for a tank. He has decent AoE’s at start although most people won’t use them much as high mana costs are hard to pay at the beginning. Sword Men level at an average speed at start, as it isn’t too much trouble to keep them alive at this point. Just pump most of your skill points to energy (ENG), stock up a few potions and you will clear the low-level areas just fine. The Sword Man is an average player in a PVE aspect, which can sometimes be hard to sustain as you’ll be relying on pots. Boss quests will be harder to complete but they will be less trouble once you get Shadow Strike (scroll down for recommended builds), but they aren’t certainly soloable by most characters at start.

Their main strengths are arguably shown in PvP, where most characters will take a while to kill him due to his long life. This, of course is advantageous even if you cannot deal high damage.


The Warrior is without doubt the most durable character due to his high defense and self-buffs. He’s probably the best tank in the game. Adding STA for most of your levels is certainly an effective choice for him.

Though, all experts rinse trough difficulties at start, and leveling is one of them. Leveling a warrior at early levels will be a pain while you don’t have enough defenses yet. Bosses and quests out of your level range will probably be skipped for a few levels until you can tank what you need to kill. Still, once they get the right defense and Reflection, normal grinding will be a breeze as most monsters cannot hurt decently equipped warriors, which make him an excellent party candidate. The Warrior also shines in PVP where his tankability and disables are of upmost importance (Stun, Entangle, Darkness). Still, it is important to note that even though he can effectively tank and disable most opponents, he will still struggle to kill bosses or complete quests out of his level range later on, due to having a low attack rating and because Reflection only blocks melee attacks.

Ghost Fighter

This is, by far, the glass cannon of the game. They have the lowest life and the worst armor, but incredible damage. Most of the Ghost Fighter’s skills are used to inflict damage or to marginally keep him alive, making this class the best nuker. They will have troubles at early levels since most monsters will kill them in 1 or 2 hits, but things progressively improve as he gains access to skills like Poison Shield, Dead Man, Hide, etc which help to keep him alive at some extent.

This class, like in any other game, is often better used with a warrior or sword man to tank, and is a welcome addition to parties as he can share Poison Shield with other members. His regular grinding is quite fast and enjoyable, due to strong AoE's such as Haze, but you will usually farm at lower-level areas, where monsters cannot hit them for much. As for PVP, it’s a “kill in one hit or be killed in 2 hit mentality, hence they shine especially in large-scale PVP (guild wars).


The Mage is, without doubt, the most versatile class of the game. They can kill monsters by melee or from range and are the best at pet-taming and training as well as the most important party support of the game. Hint: pump dexterity (DEX) trough most of your levels.

Mages make the early levels much easier than the other classes since they gain access to Attack Song (ranged attack) quickly. They can also kill higher level monsters or bosses very easily due to their range and accuracy (which means they won’t “miss” monsters as much as other characters). This makes the Mage the fastest and most independent leveler at start, when killing 5-20 level higher monsters is still relevant EXP vs. Mana cost. Finishing quests should be a breeze as long as you can find Attack Song 2nd book (very rare) and have some mana pots with you.

Also, skills like War Cry or Mass Heal make mages a great party support which is important as it’s the wealthiest way to level up. Summon Monster actually makes her a great character to farm both low and high maps, although it will cost you an arm and a leg to maintain the training point and mana costs at the beginning.
Their pet abilities can also make you a good income; even if you don’t want to train pets you can always tame and sell, which will usually make good money when you need it.

A Mage’s role in PVP isn’t anything to brag about though in early levels they will be able to one hit kill almost everyone from their range, but even with superior DEX (attack rating), they are vulnerable to one-hit kills. Still, it’s always a game of luck; if the opponent is able to consistently hit without missing a mage, you will be doing frequent trips to the spawn point due to her low HP.

2. Starting out. What to do and where to hunt?
So now you have chosen your character, and you ask: what do I do here? First, take a look at Prairie (starting town) and explore the place: see where the shops are located and where you will be buying your equipment for the first levels. To start hunting, simply move to the bottom right portal which leads to Bizarre Rock. This is where you’ll start your hunting: with mad dogs and wild boars. Simply click monsters you wish to attack and note that the faster you double-click, the quicker you will attack them. Always try to create and maintain an active party since it will share other player’s experience with you (for that CTRL+click a player and select Relation> Party).

As you level you will find new quests (press Q for the quest window) that you should complete in order to level up faster. It is highly recommended to finish all the quests you have since some of them give valuable training/skill points in addition to better weapons for future use. Never forget to press START on a quest, though or else you won’t get any credit for your kills. There’s also other things to do other than killing; you can start mining (location: Prairie Area QUARRY) with a free 1- time use Heaven Hammer you will find in the Item Mall given to all new players. You can also tame and train pets so they can help you in your hunting later on. Some of them can even give you additional strengths inside jars. (See the pet system for more info).

3. Learning Martial Arts (skills) & recommended builds
Each class has their own set of both active and passive skills. Active skills are called Hard Forces and often consist in some sort of attack, buff or disable. There are 12 different Hard Forces for each character. Passive skills are called Soft Forces and always consist in a stat improvability, which does not need to be activated nor triggered to get into effect. They will simply enhance your damage, or defense, life regeneration, etc.

To learn new (hard or soft) forces, you will need to get the corresponding book and enough training points. Each hard/soft force has 3 or 12 levels to be improved. You will need the 3 books of that specific martial art if you wish to master (max) that certain skill. The first books are usually sold at the Bookstore host (you can find one in any town). The second and third books can only be acquired trough monster drops or from other players.

Choosing adequate skills to your character class is the key to faster leveling and performance on most of the game aspects (both short and end-game).
Here’s a generic way to build each of the 4 classes. Skills marked in red are something you should highly consider learning and training to the maximum, whereas skills marked in blue are essential to take the most out of your weapon. This doesn’t necessarily mean it’s the only effective way to raise characters in this game; this is just to give you an idea of what things work better in the long run (skills are shown from top to bottom in order of recommended training):

Jinxui - [Guide]Xiah Rebirth - General Guide - RaGEZONE Forums

The skills recommended for Mages are, of course, if you are to make an effective mage in a PVE aspect. You can, of course, specialize yours into a pet tamer/trainer instead, and in that case you should get all the pet skills (Power up tamed monster, Monster empathy, Charm monster).

4. Questing
The quest system in Xiah is quite simple: each new level opens a series of new quests which can be unlocked by hunting monsters. Each quest will have some objectives you will have to complete in order to receive the reward. Some quests will be outside your level range or character abilities, and as such it is recommended to skip them for a few levels until you become stronger to complete them. In order to get credit for hunting quests, you NEED to deal the final hit on a monster AND have the quest started as well (always press START in the quest window before hunting), or else it will not count. Quest kills cannot be shared trough parties. Every quest gives fame points (except Premium quests; look down for more info).

Quests will offer various rewards as you advance; you will almost always receive EXP and Jeon upon completing quests, and some of them even reward new items and Five Element points. Do note that some quests are repeatable, and the requirements will increment each time you repeat them. There is, of course, a maximum of 4 times you can repeat a quest.
There are 2 types of quests: Basic quests (given to any character as he/she advances levels) and Premium quests (can be bought from the Quest Manager in Prairie or from the Item Mall). These quests will offer random EXP/Jeon/Five Element rewards upon completion.

Fame points are currently disabled, but they will improve drop rates as well as lowering repairing fees for characters with a high fame level in future.

5. Pet System
You can capture and raise pets as you advance trough the game. As they level, they will gain an increase in one of their 4 stats (Attack, Defense, Accuracy and Life). It is possible to seal pets inside Jars or mirrors to absorb some of their stats to their owner (read the jar’s description for more info).

To capture a pet you have 2 choices: either use the Mage’s innate skill “Charm Monster” or resort to baits (click the bait on your bag then the monster you want to tame. You can use dog bones bought from the General shop for this). Do keep in mind that both these alternatives have a random chance to succeed and that the final 2 pets of the game (Mammoth and Ice Bird) can ONLY be tamed by a Mage with the Charm Monster skill.

Some pets will effectively evolve into another shape after you have trained them long enough. Some examples are Horn Dogs, Wawas and Mammooths (they will evolve every 3 levels). If your pet is killed, the only way to recover it is by using resurrection water (random drop from monsters).
Something to keep in mind while training a pet is their wildness level. If starts at 0 and increases by time as the animal is outside a sealing jar/mirror/crystal. If it ever reaches **** you can say goodbye to your pet as he will revert to its’ wild status. So be careful and always feed them regularly (dog bones are a good solution, and they come cheap from the General Shop in all towns).

6. Other
-Personal Shops

Setting up a personal shop allows you to sell your goods while you are away from the computer. Simply purchase a Store Selling Tag from the General Shop, right click it, insert a title and catch phrase and your items along with their price and hit the “Start Selling” button. You will not be able to do move or do anything else until you close your store (click “Stop Selling”). There’s also a button to recover the income you made in case you sold anything while your shop was open. Do remember the shop has a time limit which is worn while your shop stays open. If your timer runs out, the game will automatically close your store. In that case, you will need to use another shop tag to recover your items and money from it. Do note if you have multiple shop tags in your bag, regardless of the one you open first, it will consume the tag with the lowest time left and it will NOT automatically switch to another tag once it’s time limit runs out. The time limit on a “new” shop tag is approximately 8 hours.

While on the mine, your character will be able to gather resources (as well as some EXP/Five Elements) while you are away from the computer. This is, by no means, to replace normal hunting as the mining profit per time is substantially less in terms of XP/FE as in compared to active grinding. Still, this is where you will be able to find powders, which can be converted into stones to imbue (read: craft/strengthen/upgrade) items.

10 powders of the same color can be combined at the Alchemist or Tamrang NPC in Prairie Area with a success chance of 30%. If the combining fails you will lose all of your powders. If it succeeds, you will gain a stone of the same color which is ready to imbue an item.

-Party System
The party system works by pair-to-pair share. This means only when 2 characters are within party range they can share EXP/Five Elements with each other. Quest rewards and pet EXP cannot be shared trough parties.
When 2 players are within the party range, their kills will share to each other, but the base EXP per kill will be lowered compared to playing solo. The more people you have within range, the less the base EXP will turn into per kill.

However, if you have 2 players within the party range, they can share EXP to other party members outside range even if they are in other maps. This means an optimal party formation would be as of 2-2-2. (2 players within range of each other in 3 different spots outside each other’s range). To clarify, to take the most of a party, you will need 3 groups (2 players each group) hunting separately from the other groups across the world map (again, can be trough different maps as well). There can be 3 groups, each in a different map and the EXP/FE will still share between all as long as everyone’s in a separate pair.

Everything from this point was made by me(Jinxui)

After a few minutes when you're logged in criticals will gain you Berserk Points(found on the top left edge of the GUI. When you will collect 5 of them a little button will pop up in the bottom left edge of the screen.
When you'll press it the Berserk will be activated

Here's a picture to demonstrate someone inside berserk mode:
Jinxui - [Guide]Xiah Rebirth - General Guide - RaGEZONE Forums

A few videos for people who wanna get to know the game a bit better(graphics and other stuff)
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CjXKMsHKUiI"]YouTube - Xiah Rebirth Gameplay & PVP[/ame] - recommended
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aYn--LWdZtE"]YouTube - Xiah Rebirth[/ame]
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T60XIodOww8"]YouTube - XIAH REBIRTH[/ame]

I'll add more information later.
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Re: Xiah Rebirth - General Guide

Basiclly I posted it to help developers if they have something they don't know they can use it for development and stuff.
I learned many new stuff from here and I know xiah for 6 years ~~
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