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[Guide]Xiah Server Configuration

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Re: Xiah Server Configuration Guide[Updated]

all important parts from db are like monsters and npc names, rest you can translate using hexeditor and the decrypted client even thought its a long process..
Re: Xiah Server Configuration Guide[Updated]

lol... Im having to laugh at how this "failure" is still going... You aint gonna be able to do anything more with xiah now. The patches are too far back into their computer files you wouldnt be able to access them through file servers anymore
Re: Xiah Server Configuration Guide[Updated]

lol... Im having to laugh at how this "failure" is still going... You aint gonna be able to do anything more with xiah now. The patches are too far back into their computer files you wouldnt be able to access them through file servers anymore
i totally agree, i don't think you can add anything more on this server. we should wait till 2010 or 2012 for the xiah 2 whichs allows us to make private servers legal.
Re: Xiah Server Configuration Guide[Updated]

i totally agree, i don't think you can add anything more on this server. we should wait till 2010 or 2012 for the xiah 2 whichs allows us to make private servers legal.

Alleged by Taewoo yes. But, question is - What language? ...
If we dont know the definate language then we wont know the order of what xiah 2 comes out. English Xiah is no longer owned by Taewoo so Gamescampus wont reach that if they dont have the privalleges.

I believe it will be korean first. Its the most updated and the strongest server connection and computers for the region of all xiahs. And it enables them to reduce their botting commity because botters just want to be good to show off to their friends... Well, they can get them on their server and all be good and get a server going. Where its inspired from i dont know. All i can say is that english xiah cant afford to buy a copy of "Xiah 2" without a high sacrifice
Need help on xiah private game play.

Hello everyone out there!

I need help on the part of when I talking to the warehouse npc in game. When I click on him and he gives me 3 options, then I chosed the option to opend the warehouse but intead I should see my storage, I see the warehouse npc give me a phrase of 'bahla...bahla' and a box. I am stuck right here dont know what I should put in that box to opend the storage. Anybody here help me by pass this thing please. And last thing is how to modify the imbue rate and combine rate for stone, crytal, and jewely in this Xiah Private? Please help me on this topic too. Thanks in advance.
Re: Need help on xiah private game play.

Hello everyone out there!

I need help on the part of when I talking to the warehouse npc in game. When I click on him and he gives me 3 options, then I chosed the option to opend the warehouse but intead I should see my storage, I see the warehouse npc give me a phrase of 'bahla...bahla' and a box. I am stuck right here dont know what I should put in that box to opend the storage. Anybody here help me by pass this thing please. And last thing is how to modify the imbue rate and combine rate for stone, crytal, and jewely in this Xiah Private? Please help me on this topic too. Thanks in advance.


This... again.

What you do is you press X... Click the 2nd one and turn your pc off...
If that doesnt turn you on like it does for other people here... Its the password... just try to go into it by clicking either the left or the right... If not in the accountDB you will find the account you are using and the password to the warehouse
Re: Xiah Server Configuration Guide[Updated]

its actually in xiah db its called char_bankpwd to increase imbue change you can go throught easier method aka change item chance from itemtemplate or stored procedures and change there it
Its working!

Thanks very much both of you Evilldeed and Zarut. Now I am able to access the storage by input the account password into that box then click 2 times. For the imbue thing I increase the sucess rate and addition rate to 2000% (original is 15% for jewel) but I findout it over kill LoL, have to reduce to 200% to make the weapon weaker. Success rate is 100% from 0 to 20 with no fail, after that it may fail but the imbue still increase (don't know when it stop) but I keep imbue and stuff get to +30 LoL. Well that is for today, each night i work on the translation and quiting play Xiah Rebirth. Thanks everyone in this forum too for input idea and work to make this game rum private. Good Luck guys
Re: Xiah Server Configuration Guide[Updated]

All files in megaupload:
Since those links aren't working anymore I uploaded them for friend.

Server files and database:

Chinese Xiah Client 4 parts:

Launcher and tutorial video in the same rar:

and my client with some translations got bored again after day translating if anyone wants to use gl with that..


Re: Xiah Server Configuration Guide[Updated]

Oh yeah! I am going to download and and working on your files Zarut. Translating this thing is a nightmare when Chinenes is not my original language LoL. I use to do the work but most the time it gives me funky difinition (lol what a laught). By the way if you have any latest items ID that look like English xiah like emperor amor set, or rebirth version of that... could I have to imply into this private server? I was tried to put heaven hammer into general shop but not show. Knowing that we dont need that but just for the show. Again thx you very much Zarut, EliteAk47, Kolliper, EvillnDeed and others (sorry HardFang u confused me alot its fun lol)
Re: Xiah Server Configuration Guide[Updated]

LoL found a pic of girl in Zarut's server files and db. Don't know who but she is a super cute girl indeed.
Re: Xiah Server Configuration Guide[Updated]

its not actually my files just same files in different mirror for those who dont have rapidshare premium account
Re: Xiah Server Configuration Guide[Updated]

jesse stop encouraging them... They are only gonna waste their time finding nothing but editing maybe stats and books and then getting people to play a lvling server which really is like rebirth only rebirth is more updated and "better" even though the thing can go shag donkeys
Re: Xiah Server Configuration Guide[Updated]

Hiya !

(posting this because admin told me I stopped posting here :D)

@ Zarut : have you found a way to add SaDo ?

/private life on
I made nothing on my server since my last post here.
Huhuhu I found some tricks in Rebirth and I started to....*cough*......cheat a bit.....*cough*
/private life off
Re: Xiah Server Configuration Guide[Updated]

Hiya !

(posting this because admin told me I stopped posting here :D)

@ Zarut : have you found a way to add SaDo ?

/private life on
I made nothing on my server since my last post here.
Huhuhu I found some tricks in Rebirth and I started to....*cough*......cheat a bit.....*cough*
/private life off

Oh look...its crawled out of the gutter...
Tricks in "rebirth" ... "Tricks"... Hex editing to bypass certain things maybe?... You done the quest ignore-r? some scrub ass randy got certain quests glitched with high exp that were easy and got mobs to give the exp from the quest as he killed...
only some rumour on my msn but the guy is "pro" in hacking so i wouldnt trust him fully...
As far as "/private life off" you cant turn it off T.T nor can you turn it on... Your private life is your own life... Whether people are there to see it you let them see it... or not there to see it then its your personal space not private life...
Re: Xiah Server Configuration Guide[Updated]

Oh look...its crawled out of the gutter...
Tricks in "rebirth" ... "Tricks"... Hex editing to bypass certain things maybe?... You done the quest ignore-r? some scrub ass randy got certain quests glitched with high exp that were easy and got mobs to give the exp from the quest as he killed...
only some rumour on my msn but the guy is "pro" in hacking so i wouldnt trust him fully...
As far as "/private life off" you cant turn it off T.T nor can you turn it on... Your private life is your own life... Whether people are there to see it you let them see it... or not there to see it then its your personal space not private life...

dunno why you are bitchin about everything anyway,,,

im working on decryptor for xiah rebirth using client encryption function to reverse packets just one problem heres that im not sure why it gives me false hex values the loop works fine till 4th byte by this i mean when i try encrypt guild message packet it should turn to "7C 2A D6 C3 6F" my program gives me "7C 2A D6 AB 57" it seems to calculate 82 + 41 as AB even thought its C3 in hex heres screenshot (its messy, i know..)


  • asfafas - [Guide]Xiah Server Configuration - RaGEZONE Forums
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Re: Xiah Server Configuration Guide[Updated]

Well, I'm not familiar with packet editing, but maybe there is some kind of "parity bit" elsewhere ?

About editing memory : I found a way to modify char stats ^^
Amazing, seeing a lvl 10 char with 500k def, ar, dmg hehehe
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