• Networking: The investigation is still on the way, we've switched to backup telecom carriers since the episode but we're still working in settling everything as it must be. We'll add more updates as we have them available. Incoming and outgoing emails will be restricted, and user registration has been disabled until the issue is resolved.

[Guide]Xiah Server Configuration

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Re: Xiah Server Configuration Guide[Updated]

So you mean it doesn't reset your stats anymore when you get above 65.5k ?
Re: Xiah Server Configuration Guide[Updated]

might take time to load since its in 1280x1024 resolution :/
and it gives the error in end only cause i didnt have my pc set on chinese.
Re: Xiah Server Configuration Guide[Updated]

Eh... done all things in first post and few things you wrote in your posts Zarut and have that:

EliteAk47 - [Guide]Xiah Server Configuration - RaGEZONE Forums

Maybe here i have something wrong:

EliteAk47 - [Guide]Xiah Server Configuration - RaGEZONE Forums

Here i choose LUKASZ, but dont know, that is good... (LUKASZ = windows account name)

EliteAk47 - [Guide]Xiah Server Configuration - RaGEZONE Forums

EliteAk47 - [Guide]Xiah Server Configuration - RaGEZONE Forums

EliteAk47 - [Guide]Xiah Server Configuration - RaGEZONE Forums

Any ideas where is error?
Re: Xiah Server Configuration Guide[Updated]

just try write localhost in it, and if your ip shows up like mine aka means you need open ports in order to open services so just check out what modem you got and google its name + portforwarding then just check what ports those services uses and open them
Re: Xiah Server Configuration Guide[Updated]

Eh... do again all things with normal IP (Using modem). Error with services is it still... ;(

How can i delete all changes (registry and something other things), what i've done with build xiah server? (i can't name database as Xiah, xiah_account etc. b/c say, that name is it using by somthing)

I will try do it again after that...
Last edited:
Re: Xiah Server Configuration Guide[Updated]

Eh... do again all things with normal IP (Using modem). Error with services is it still... ;(

How can i delete all changes (registry and something other things), what i've done with build xiah server? (i can't name database as Xiah, xiah_account etc. b/c say, that name is it using by somthing)

I will try do it again after that...
just look your ip from cmd type in ipconfig and you see it if its in there means you still gotta use that ip if its not try writing localhost or which is local ip too or try hamachi
Re: Xiah Server Configuration Guide[Updated]

Still this f***in error:

EliteAk47 - [Guide]Xiah Server Configuration - RaGEZONE Forums

I got this error too, look in previous pages on this topic.

Using localhost or or 192.168.x.x CANNOT work online => use it only with computers on a LAN (local area network)

To bypass error, I used Hamachi and it works fine => my server is in France, and Canadians & Belgians friends connect to it like a charm.
Re: Xiah Server Configuration Guide[Updated]

Greatings everybody and Happy New Year :):
I used to be a player on xiah-Rebirth but...the server is crap.
So far i havent managed to find any private servers...and it vexes me.
Im thinking seriously to start a private server with a good friend from the USA and i'd appreciate if ya can tell me how bugged and troublesome are the files ragezone has? (Zarot shared ^_^)

The game is totaly worth it and 80% of Xiah-Rebirth's players (curent players) will leave for a private server guaranteed.

Im asking these cause i wanna know ya opinions and if my attempt would be a failure and a waste of time or might go well after all. O.o
I'll await news from you guys.
Good day.
Re: Xiah Server Configuration Guide[Updated]

chinese files works fine if you want leveling server like oldschool xiah was but its abit buggy and its in chinese...

anyway i was updating my own server earlier and got finaly past serverlist bug so now i can get to character screen i got almost fully working login server(uses database to check if you got account etc..)

heres couple pictures (note this server wont be out for really long time xd so far been doing this for 6 months and got this far)
EliteAk47 - [Guide]Xiah Server Configuration - RaGEZONE Forums

EliteAk47 - [Guide]Xiah Server Configuration - RaGEZONE Forums

so what i got working so far is:
* Login (wrong pw check, banned account check etc..)
* Changing password in login screen works (even it doesnt in gamescampus version xd)
* Serverlist (you can have multiple servers etc, i think i could do same for worlds too)
* Characterlist load character data from database (even you cant create characters yet)
* Fully working cryption class

need to be done:
* Serverlist loading servers/worlds from database (not so important...)
* Getting character creating ready
* Getting ingame, building database etc (dreaming ofc <3)

if anyone get iinterested and wanna help me like analyzing packets or even at coding (its done in C#) feel free to pm me
Re: Xiah Server Configuration Guide[Updated]

the server files dont work is there another site where it has been ploaded and working? thanks

Edit: srry lolll found em

chinese files works fine if you want leveling server like oldschool xiah was but its abit buggy and its in chinese...

anyway i was updating my own server earlier and got finaly past serverlist bug so now i can get to character screen i got almost fully working login server(uses database to check if you got account etc..)

heres couple pictures (note this server wont be out for really long time xd so far been doing this for 6 months and got this far)
EliteAk47 - [Guide]Xiah Server Configuration - RaGEZONE Forums

EliteAk47 - [Guide]Xiah Server Configuration - RaGEZONE Forums

so what i got working so far is:
* Login (wrong pw check, banned account check etc..)
* Changing password in login screen works (even it doesnt in gamescampus version xd)
* Serverlist (you can have multiple servers etc, i think i could do same for worlds too)
* Characterlist load character data from database (even you cant create characters yet)
* Fully working cryption class

need to be done:
* Serverlist loading servers/worlds from database (not so important...)
* Getting character creating ready
* Getting ingame, building database etc (dreaming ofc <3)

if anyone get iinterested and wanna help me like analyzing packets or even at coding (its done in C#) feel free to pm me
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