
Skilled Illusionist
Feb 22, 2010
Reaction score
Hi guys, hope this helps you, tomorrow I'll update this with more things I find. Ofcourse there is more and more and more , but I won't post anything that everyone knows. :

Before you try to change anything, make a folder called "Backups" and put there the files you will edit! Do it if you want.


Change name color and pk setting; (This works for non-pk and pk server, atleast I tryed both and worked)

First go to you Resource folder and search for "", open it.

So, what we got?

GENERAL_COLOR = Default color is white (Normal color name)
READY_COLOR = When you attack anyone without killing him!
CHAO_COLOR = When you have killed anyone.
READY_ATTACK_TIME = The time when you attack anyone without killing him is 8 seconds.
LIMITE LEVEL = You can't be killed or pk anyone below lvl 20


(There are only some colors!)


[Removing eggs from dropping and food]

Go to you resource folder and open ""(wordpad, notebook whatever you want), "propitem.txt"(Open this one with excel if you have it), "propitem.txt.txt" (wordpad or notebook whatever you want), something like that.

Go to propitem.txt.txt and press "Ctrl+F" write "Egg" and copy the text behing it. (It should look like the ingame name!)

[IDS_PROPITEM_TXT_008466] This is for eggs.

Now you should have the propitem.txt open, do "Ctrl+F" it may not work, so press "Find". and copy the egg text "IDS_PROPITEM_TXT_008466".[It's the second column] Behind it something this should appear "II_PET_EGG". So you are almost there! If you don't have the "" open, do it now, and do once again "Ctrl+F" and paste "II_PET_EGG", you got it, now just delete the lines! Do same steps for food


[Rain and Snow event!]

Go to you Resource folder and open "Event.lua", scroll down...

In the end you should put this:

AddEvent( "Rain & Snow Event" )
SetRainEvent( 10, "ºñ°¡¿À¸é °æÇèÄ¡°¡ 2¹è~!" )
SetSnowEvent( 10, "´«ÀÌ¿À¸é °æÇèÄ¡°¡ 2¹è~!" )

10 This is the ammount of exp or drop you want.

[Event List]

SetExpFactor( fFactor )
SetItemDropRate( fFactor )
SetPieceItemDropRate( fFactor )
SetGoldDropFactor( fFactor )
SetAttackPower( nAttackPower )
SetDefensePower( nDefensePower )
SetCouponEvent( SEC )
SetLevelUpGift( nLevel, "all", ItemId, nNum, byFlag )
SetCheerExpFactor( fFactor )
SetSpawn( TYPE, strId, nNum )
SetKeepConnectEvent( nTime, strItemId, nItemNum )
SetRainEvent( fExpFactor, strTitle )
SetSnowEvent( fExpFactor, strTitle )


Hi again guys, please let me know if something don't work or is wrong, I don't have my server here to test everything once again!

I'll update this tomorrow with more features

Going sleep. Night

Please no wars! Once again no wars, if mods want to delete this with any valied reason no problem

[Fail english sorry]

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We are Maverick!
Loyal Member
Feb 27, 2009
Reaction score
For event list, do you know nMax? Me and Denichu were trying to remember what nMax does
Skilled Illusionist
Feb 22, 2010
Reaction score
Thanks, I'll put my server online, and make a guide on how to make guild siege more than one time a week!
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Mythic Archon
Mar 26, 2009
Reaction score
Maybe a mod could merge this thread with mine, i got a guide similar to this.

Just other files.
oh, and the format for name colours:
AA= transparent? FF = highest value which means, no, you can't look trhu it.
RR= Red. 11-99 AA-FF 11=lowerst FF=highest.
GG= Green
BB= Blue

so, from the down to the top, it is

Could come in handy when ur mixing colors
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Skilled Illusionist
Feb 22, 2010
Reaction score
Thread updated with a custom "propitem".

Added some more info about colors (By denichu)

Any errors in the propitem just post

And yey for sig XD pwned
Newbie Spellweaver
Nov 9, 2010
Reaction score
[Removing eggs from dropping and food]


[Removing eggs from dropping and food]

Go to you resource folder and open ""(wordpad, notebook whatever you want), "propitem.txt"(Open this one with excel if you have it), "propitem.txt.txt" (wordpad or notebook whatever you want), something like that.

Go to propitem.txt.txt and press "Ctrl+F" write "Egg" and copy the text behing it. (It should look like the ingame name!)

[IDS_PROPITEM_TXT_008466] This is for eggs.

Now you should have the propitem.txt open, do "Ctrl+F" it may not work, so press "Find". and copy the egg text "IDS_PROPITEM_TXT_008466".[It's the second column] Behind it something this should appear "II_PET_EGG". So you are almost there! If you don't have the "" open, do it now, and do once again "Ctrl+F" and paste "II_PET_EGG", you got it, now just delete the lines! Do same steps for food


dude can i have some picture of this one, on how to do it? XD the step.XD tnx a lot
Initiate Mage
Mar 17, 2011
Reaction score
Is it possible , when rain start , it shows a message then , like "rain event has started"
Newbie Spellweaver
Jan 24, 2011
Reaction score
now you need to post how to make the skills work for the knight and other normally two handed classes. also you should post up that if they use that then the skills will not work.