Guild Allience Need Min Member Count

Experienced Elementalist
Nov 15, 2004
Reaction score
It is 0.99.88T + 0.99.96

14 ---> 01 [You can make Guild Allience with 1 Guild Member]

1] 0.99.88T (Normal GS)

0044E5A3 |. 8B4D E4 mov ecx, [local.7]
0044E5A6 |. 33D2 xor edx, edx
0044E5A8 |. 8A51 2D mov dl, byte ptr ds:[ecx+2D]
0044E5AB |. 83FA 14 cmp edx, 14
0044E5AE |. 7D 22 jge short GameServ.0044E5D2

8B4DE433D28A512D83FA 14 7D22

2] 0.99.96 (GS-CS)

00450993 |. 8B4D E4 mov ecx, [local.7]
00450996 |. 33D2 xor edx, edx
00450998 |. 8A51 2D mov dl, byte ptr ds:[ecx+2D]
0045099B |. 83FA 14 cmp edx, 14
0045099E |. 7D 22 jge short GameServ.004509C2

8B4DE433D28A512D83FA 14 7D22
Re: [Guide] Guild Allience Need Min Member Count

goeh is it possible to change the quantity of Spare Point to infinite? These are the points gained when eating fruits. Would you please help me on this?
Re: [Guide] Guild Allience Need Min Member Count

Would you please help me do that or write a guide about it? I'm running a really low rate server (3x) and spare points are very important for the gameplay. Thanks in advance.