|Gunz on Linux|Is it possible?

Newbie Spellweaver
Nov 11, 2005
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Is it possible to change the MSSQL to MySQL database and then open a server on Linux?

Cuz im a Linux user and wanna make a server to so im asking..
i use fedora - mysql server

what did i have todo ?

You'd need to make an entirely new MatchServer coded from scratch designed to accept connections from original Gunz.exe clients and store data to a MySQL database. I know, you don't care.

So, the short answer is, you do nothing, you have to use MSSQL server, not MySQL, because Gunz Server is designed for ODBC connections and MSSQL.
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the short answer is yes, wine would run the matchserver just fine since it uses a common winsock connection for network, and is just a standard window.

as for the network, you would have more luck finding a mssql cloan for linux(i know there are a couple just cant think of any names).

if would take some work, but i'm sure it could be done.

as for playing gunz on a linux system, your out of luck. there is not enough support for directx games through wine or any other emulator. and noone that i have heard about has gotten it to work.
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as for playing gunz on a linux system, your out of luck. there is not enough support for directx games through wine or any other emulator. and noone that i have heard about has gotten it to work.

Someone on GZF claims to have done it with Wine, no specifics though.
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And you thought you could only play Gunz on Windows! Well, I play on Linux. So hah. How? I haven't hacked the code, and I'm not running an emulator. I'm using Wine.

Wine is a program that installs Windows programs on your Linux - without emulating. I've used this for many applications, including mIRC and Opera, (because I can't seem to download the source for it without it corrupting). And I've used it for Gunz.

So, get it here, first of all! Download the correct package for your distro. Then, follow the steps found here. (Click your distro)

so, now Wine is installed; good job. Well, for Gunz, you'll need to manually download the installation files, found here. For the purpouses of this walkthrough, download to your desktop. Launch a Terminal, and type in the following:

wine /home/*user*/Desktop/GunzInstaller.exe

And the Windows Installer launches! HUZZAH! You can proceed like normal from here. Note that it will attempt to install to your C:\ drive, but that's normal; Wine creates a fictional C:\ drive for you. And you can launch right fron ijji.com!

Post if you have any questions or problems, but please include your distro and version.
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