[Gunz]TrigonGunZ 2013 Staff Team required

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Newbie Spellweaver
Jan 18, 2013
Reaction score
Welcome to the official TrigonGunZ hiring Staff Team thread!


We are Trigon Network a new community which is currently focusing on our GunZ Private Server.
The point of this project is not to be the best private server our team is just interested to bring you a great GunZ and other server experience and bring up a little community base which is playing our server active!

Available Positions

Currently i am in need of 1 Designer for Interfaces, Websites, Logos just everything that is related to any graphic things!

Website / Links

Website Link : http://trigonnetwork.com (currently redirecting to the forum)
Register Page Link : http://trigongunz.no-ip.biz/register.php
Forum Link : http://trigonnetwork.com/forums
Vote Link : http://top200.top-site-list.com/vote4236.html
Facebook Fan Page : http://www.facebook.com/TrigonNet

Contact Information

You can contact me here on the forum per private message or at our forum!
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Re: TrigonGunZ 2013 Staff Team required

I can moderate a forum have been doing it from past 7 years. PM me if you are interested
Re: TrigonGunZ 2013 Staff Team required

Sith can u add me on skype Khevinmoh
I am currently really in need of one so i dont really mind about the requirements for the application if you are talented please apply on our forum!
Five people in ur Trigon Network.:?::?::?::?::?::?::?::?::?::?::?::?::?::?::?::?:
:?: The perfect title thread is "looking for someone to do everything for me"
Five people in ur Trigon Network.:?::?::?::?::?::?::?::?::?::?::?::?::?::?::?::?:
:?: The perfect title thread is "looking for someone to do everything for me"

To doing everything for me? What are you understanding under graphic artist? doing everything for me? He is for graphics not for everything.. Before you post such of those posts please think about that ..
I am not talented what is to graphics related what should i do? God..
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