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hamachi question

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Junior Spellweaver
Jan 16, 2007
Reaction score
So i decided to try out hamachi in my other pc and create a new fun Rose server with high rates just for testing stuffs out. I've seen ppl talking about hamachi but never payed attention to it. If some one can please explain me how hamachi works and what good advantages it have ill appreciate it a lot.

Thanks in advice.
I'd like to hear a better response of why it sucks, but thanks for the advice jesse :)

btw get on xfire more ofter so we can talk hehe
Hamachi just puts and extra step in between your server and whoever wants to play on it. Instead of just downloading the super small launcher and playing, they have to go download, install, and configure this extra program. After thats out of the way, then they still have to download the launcher. I personally see no benefit to the program unless you HAVE to use it.
i use hamachi so i dont have to open my ports and stuff you can always let ppl download your launcher and you put the hamachi install file whit it then they download one file setting up hamachi isnt hard
hamachi is ok, but its annoying when u run out of rooms for people to get into it you would have to make like 10 hamachi servers or so...but you just download it and it will give you a special hamachi ip that you put in for your server IP so it hides yours from users its not hard i wouldn't use it cause it makes your computer laggy running on all those hamachi servers. I would suggest when i had my hamachi server full i just switched to no-ip cause i think viper67 suggested it to me in a topic lol its a good way to hide your ip adress if thats what you want.
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