Hammer time... for the dentist

Feb 18, 2003
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Pain in the top of my gum. :( It's all swolen, and the dentist thinks it's either an absess or I'll have to have it taken out. :cry: I've never had anything taken out, only a few fillings.

Well dentist, it's just you and me, and I just got one question for ya:

Do I feel lucky? Well do ya, punk?

PS I haven't been to a dentist in about 4 years so he's gonna be a little pissed cos I'm supposed to go every year. :tp: lololol

Cyas in a couple of hours. :)
lol ive just got back from the dentist had my tooth bleached cos it went grey after it got knocked back in a kickboxing match but its ok now ive just got a numb face ><

ive ahd teeth out 8 infact and ive had 32 injections in my gums and it fookin kills cos i have very sensitive teeth and huuuuge ass roots

even though ive had all that done ive never had a single bad tooth or a filling ever, it was to make space for my other teeth to come through >.<
OK I'm back, he's temporarily filled it. He won't take ANY out - he says he doesn't want to as they are still salvagable as long as I look after them.

He's right, I never look after my teeth and I'm gonna have to start now. :( No more fizzy drinks for me nooooooooooooooo :cry:
Exclamatio said:
dude u can drink and eat all the crap you like you just gotta clean them :tp:

seriously in an average day i have;

4-6 cans of dr pepper
2 twirls
1-2 twixs
a mars bar
pot noodle
4 micro pizzas

and my teeth are fine ^___^

I don't eat that much shite, it's just I don't clean them as much as I should aka never. :tp: Yes, I know, it's sick >_<
nathan123 said:
i have 2 go 2 the hospital more thn the dentist now cos my dentist dnt do braces, and there always on my back moanin ike fuk @ me

same here when i had braces, when i had removables it was like
dentist: "you havnt been wearing them have you?"

me: like "of course i have"

dentist: "lee... we can tell..."

me: "and i woulda gotten away with it too if it wernt for you
pesky kids!"
I go 2 the dentist every 6 months lol. My teeth r slightly discoloured but pretty much perfect apart from that

G/l with ur teeth Cap, Ex and Maka lol:good:
Hope they give u Morphine Cap :tp:

Oh and btw, Richard gave me a game 2 give u, i'll give it 2 ya 2moro.