Hard Drive Space

I got 2 80 gig hard drives 1 40 gig and a 20 gig hard drive.
i want to upgade soon
How much did your HD cost?
I've got 160+250 in this comp. But no matter how much you got you will alway need more. I have no problem with filling up 150-200 gb a month with movies and tvshows =/ Now I delete them after I see it.
My desktop has 2x 250gb drives. I need to add in some more drives for storage as my storage drive is nearly full. So probably get another 2x 250gb or 2x 320's if they are not more then $20 more.

Let me see what the total HDD space I have in this house. =P

4x 250gb
1x 200gb
1x 120gb
3x 60gb
2x 40gb
1x 20gb
1x 10gb

For a total over 1.6tb on 9 devices that is. =P

NoPeace - out
DaCheat said:
Bring on the Pr0n!!!
How much do you have?
Thats a secret D:

As for hard drive space... I have
1x 100GB (desktop)
1x 120GB (other desktop)
1x 60GB (Macbook)


I should probably go out and buy a 250GB or something, as I'm going to start using my 'other' desktop as a media storage server soon D:
How much do you have?
A little too much...

DaCheat - Hard Drive Space - RaGEZONE Forums

Approximately 2Tb of discarded (but still working) drives.
Well, right now im runnign a bit (check my sig) and my next step is ordering up 4x250's after the TB drives come out.. they shoudl drop to about $100 apiece per 250gigs
i count 22 drives, i bet ur pc sounds a bit odd. cud u not get some 500/750gb drives and have some more space in ur pc
All the parts for that server were nearly free (I only had to buy the PSU which was ~100USD, and maybe $30 in additional IDE cards) -- school threw away approximately 40 perfectly good machines in order to "upgrade" when in fact they just bought 40 new ones.

It certainly is loud, but it's just a server -- my main machine has a pair of 120GB.

And that's only counting the storage I have on-line. There's probably another terabyte in the half a dozen crates of filled drives I have for backup/archiving. Once again, gotten for free. Working for "wasteful" schools is great :smile:
All the parts for that server were nearly free (I only had to buy the PSU which was ~100USD, and maybe $30 in additional IDE cards) -- school threw away approximately 40 perfectly good machines in order to "upgrade" when in fact they just bought 40 new ones.

It certainly is loud, but it's just a server -- my main machine has a pair of 120GB.

And that's only counting the storage I have on-line. There's probably another terabyte in the half a dozen crates of filled drives I have for backup/archiving. Once again, gotten for free. Working for "wasteful" schools is great :smile:

i wish i worked there, my dad has an unlimited resource of 40gb seagate barracudas but bieng as i have a laptop they are of no use :(