Harddrive Storage

Experienced Elementalist
Aug 7, 2009
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Guys I did notice for some reason that the harddrive is pretty pack once we run the server files. Seems like it create a log that is taking lots of spaces. Is there a way we can elminate that? Overnight and my server endup being full.:scared:
well duhh just delete the Log files from the Database .. ( DB/log )
example is db_server_1265467_125465.log some number
same goest with other log files
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just figure that it wasn't the log that taking up space. It's my vmware that is written it to memory so it knows it last stage. Eventhough turning that off; it still taking up space, but less. Overnight it used 80mb unless the night before when I didn't disable it; it's 300mb per night.
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