Has someone done a tutorial for these?

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Newbie Spellweaver
Jan 4, 2007
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Has anyone already done a tutorial for these new armour items, or do I have to write a tut for people with 0.5 braincells -_-

Milz - Has someone done a tutorial for these? - RaGEZONE Forums

Milz - Has someone done a tutorial for these? - RaGEZONE Forums

Milz - Has someone done a tutorial for these? - RaGEZONE Forums

Milz - Has someone done a tutorial for these? - RaGEZONE Forums
Leeched? How the fuck can you call anything leeched dipshit. You think I have leeched items on my server? Have I not just proven with this bunny ears and cat ears as an example, any dipshit can create and manipulate some variables. Dual great swords, oh whoopie, replace a mesh name and exit weapon.xml, same for dual shotguns. New weapon skins, you just do what I've done for the model but with the weapon files. Creating swords out of NPCs, take the ELU of the npc and add it to the weapon give it a mesh name and add it to the zitem. Wow SO DIFFICULT.

Get out now.
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Goblin rocket. But I wont post a tutorial because its probably already been done, or thanks to captain faggot above me who calls me a leecher, I dont feel I should even bother telling people how to do it.

Milz - Has someone done a tutorial for these? - RaGEZONE Forums

Milz - Has someone done a tutorial for these? - RaGEZONE Forums
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Ooooh Ooooh Milz post a pic of my crappily done dragon!!

And yes, the lich is still in our server perfectly normal. It is a separate monster.
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Milz - Has someone done a tutorial for these? - RaGEZONE Forums

Milz - Has someone done a tutorial for these? - RaGEZONE Forums

Hot links incase there too big.
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This is just so easy just take the elus from ijji gunz and add the meshes and items and your done!
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Why are you posting this, also whats with the abuse?

Nothing great here, only info I needed to know to get these working was that the model and textures where out. Same goes for everyone else here pretty much, if they can't figure something that simple out they shouldn't be running a server.
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LOL @ TeamBSOD's work that've been called 1337 so far!

These items are....old?
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LOL @ TeamBSOD's work that've been called 1337 so far!

These items are....old?

The goblin rocketLauncher is ancient, the Cat and rabbit ears are not dipshit. They were only released in the new update1.mrs from ijji, which ijji them selves have not even refrenced in the .xml. So yeh, I dont see how any gunz work can be called "1337", any idiot can move file a to location b and refrence it in an XML file. No gunz manipulation is pro uless someone has cracked ELUs and allowed people to make their own mesh's.

Oh yeh and a retextured NPC with its own custom skills is obviously, totally crap ¬_¬
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