Hate my job! But still want to do something fun with it

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Sep 3, 2005
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In your kitchen, eating your cookies!
Dam 2day was one long and frustrating evening at work... Just for the info i work in Market Research. Its Opinions studies thing and we dont sell anything... so all of the ppl that get sales calls.. its NOT ME!

Anyways i had alot of rude ppl on the phone 2day( called in Laval and MTL)... and one idea sparked in my mind... wut if i take all the numbers down of the ppl who where rude or just said DUMB answers. ill give example laterz.

So i was thinking of taking all those numbers down and just to call them once i am at home and f*ck around with them, like talk y did they hung up on a opion guy yerlyer in the week or ask some stupid question or even prank them. And just have fun!

But i dunno should i do it or not...cz it just seems funny to do.

Dumb answers examples:

me: Would u like to participate in the study?
respondent: id rather do it in Spanish...
me: Ok "hay una persona qui habla espanol in la casa" ( is there a person that speaks spanish in the household.)
resp: uuhm WTF...
me: You said that u wanted to do it in Spanish... there u go
resp: ... i dont understand Spanish... hung up


me:Would u like to participate in the study?
resp: What is the study about?
me: its about air travel...
resp: ME No speaken english... OK? pease call no me.

and i hear prefectly english speaking ppl in the background


me: Would u like to participate in the study?
resp: How did u get my number?
me: Your number was generated randomly by a machine
resp: Oh ya? well tell that machine to stop dailing my number!

Sometimes i just dont know wut to think of those ppl.
That wouldn't be funny, they'd just block the number. If anything they could report your for harassing them. Not that the police could do much, but whatever your phone service is could do much :P

When people call me with surveys or stuff to sell(I know you said you dont sell stuff) I just go through it with BS answers. I remember a Six Flags survey.

"How often do you go to Six Flags, sir?"

"ALL THE TIME!!!! I'm on the Superman right now! yeeehaa!"

"....Right. Do you have any suggestions to make the park more enjoyable?"

"Do like Disney World and have a parade, but with elephants and man eating lions. Man eating lions are always fun."


Messing with them isn't rude or impolite...it's funny.

I know it's their job, but they dont HAVE to call me. They called me, so they obviously wanted to talk to me :P
i know some ppl do that and its just fun to do it with them... but some ppl were like rly rude. Messing with those ppl its fun ya... i do that too even if i work in the same occupation.

but when u call and a guy answers and SCREAMs litteraly in the phone like:" WTF!!! F**K! if u call my number again ill report your company! DAM U! i am on a national DO NOT CALL LIST!"

and i say: "The do not call list doenst apply to MARKEN RESEARCH companies"
and its true!

That just pisses the respondent off badly! i like it soo much!
Tbh. I hang up too. Last time this guy called me 6 times. First two times I answered and said I am not interested but that was not enough for him. So he calls and starts swearing and we had a long fight. Poor guy, got fired the next day.
Those people do my head in.

=/ your busy, and you get and a call asking you if you want to buy something. -.- and most of the time (no offense to non-english people) theyre foreign and i can't understand them :S

and well yeah you should take some numbers and start messing round n stuff.

But they have a right to be rude when someone rings up asking you to buy something or take part in a study, because its just plain annoying.
So YOU are the one that wakes me up at 3am!!!! /grr /argggh
Maybe you should get a real job? Cold calling sucks more dick than a paper round...

oh yeah and if you did write down any of those numbers and use them at home... you'd be fined and put in prison, as it would be a breach of the data protection act, and the government is very tough on that at the mo. So I'd recommend my first choice of getting a real job. (i don't care if you're a student, cold calling is bollox)
Ouche Harsh! It is a Real Job!

exacly... it pays and its very hard to get something else since i am only a student... and your not the first person to tell me that, some guy said it to me on the phone, i said to go f/ck him self after he hung up.... i am NOT saying it to u!

i know it sux but its the one thing i got for now... and calling them just for fun wont rly get me to prison... i can say that i got thier numbers from the PHONE Book ( called Yellow Pages here ). And that i just chose random names.
I thought I'd add the only reason I mess with them and/or dislike them is because I get at least 5 calls from different companies every day.

I even remember talking to them and answering when I was actually bored(yes, bored enough) one day. Then they call the next day. Then the next. I guess when you respond nicely they like you, but that is just weird.

I don't tell them to f**k themselves though. I tell them that I would rather not be called at 6:00, 8:00 3:00, 5:00, and 9:00 from AM to PM respectively. Yes..I KNOW when or around what time they call. The phone rang an hour ago and it was some car company or something :o
When someone gets impolite or starts bullshitting you, hang up. What would frustrate them more than when they think they're being cool they get cut off.

I only remember hanging up on a telemarketer once. The woman just kept on rambling and didn't give me any chance to answer either yes or no to her questions and I had better things to do (don't we all) than listening for minutes straight about a product I already once said I don't want. Usually I just tell them "I don't have any interest" and that's it, but if they keep at it then I won't feel bad for hanging up. Another good way to say no is "But since I'm not going to buy anything, anyway... (let's save both of our time)". Well that's providing you get a chance to speak.
Everyone i know hates people like you, people just dont want to be disturbed.

ok ok dont get pissed now ppl... i know it sux but alot of ppl i would say 75% of ppl actualy do the surveys. and we dont sell things. the lastest we can call is 21:00 EST. and we call ONLY in Canada. so plz dont tell that its me thats calling u, cz i am not.

anyways i just wanted to write that topic cz the Monday i had at work suked badly.

When someone gets impolite or starts bullshitting you, hang up. What would frustrate them more than when they think they're being cool they get cut off.

I only remember hanging up on a telemarketer once. The woman just kept on rambling and didn't give me any chance to answer either yes or no to her questions and I had better things to do (don't we all) than listening for minutes straight about a product I already once said I don't want. Usually I just tell them "I don't have any interest" and that's it, but if they keep at it then I won't feel bad for hanging up. Another good way to say no is "But since I'm not going to buy anything, anyway... (let's save both of our time)". Well that's providing you get a chance to speak.

I like your opinion better man... your one of those who would just say no thx and ill tell ok Thank you sir and hung up.

Your position to this makes my feel good.