Junior Spellweaver
Tutorial text
Download everything (havana, havana_www, groups.sql, java, mariadb, launcher, fuse_client)
Install Java and MariaDB (put your password)
Unpack Havana and Launcher on desktop (create their folder)
unpack "havana_www_28_07_2024.zip" content in tools/www
open HeidiSQL and upload de havana.sql (name: havana)
execute run_web and run_server (will create some file configs)
configure everything (server and webserver-config, bind-ip=yourIP, server-ip=, mysql_username=root, mysql_password=yourPASS)
start the server again (run_web and run_server) and configure external_variables (tools/www/dcr/v31/gamedata) to yourIP or yourDOMAIN (CTRL+H)
in Launcher folder, rename vars.example to just vars (vars.txt), configure everything (change https to http, remove every :40000 and change 40001 (connection.info.host) to 12321 and 40002 (connection.mus.host) to 12322
put fuse_client (you downloaded in launcher github) and put in www/tools/dcr/v31
create your account (chrome or something like)
give yourself rank 8 (database havana, users) and upload groups.sql in havana database
Just close and open run_web run_server and enjoy!