Having some ittle problems

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Newbie Spellweaver
Feb 28, 2007
Reaction score
Its my first time making a private server and i made it its up and running but the question i would like ot ask is how do i fix bugs? The character select screen when u click it u get diconnected and when u log out and log back in it says ur allready logged in :( can someone please tell me how to fix those. Also the additional Damage doesnt not work for the clerics buff they have it on the skills but when they use it it dont work and the quests wont save after people have completed them someone please help
maybe your computer is not good enought or you use a not good compiled servers... and use the command /questreset all the quest will be reset hope thats what you need =D
First if you want to fix bug you should learn C++ and help 'Drauk' and the others

go to
It is the development forum of the private server files
Follow the guides there
Running a server it's not hard, just follow Akai's guide and you will have it running soon enough. Akai's Guide

And about fixing bugs that will be hard, you will need a dedicated skilled team that can help you.
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