HelisiumDEV V117.2

Newbie Spellweaver
Jul 21, 2012
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Alright, so I managed to get a server started up and running on V117.2 with Helisium source for v117.2, it is a higher revision one, not the one released on RZ.
Everything works nice and it's quite stable except for some minor bugs like using Dragon Roar with your character touching mobs will cause instant death.
Upon testing more,
I realised the source had auto magnifying glass which meant that whenever I cube an item, your item's potential will be revealed as long as there is a magnifying glass in your inventory. After a few cubes, my item jumped from Epic to Rare and from 2/3 LINES to 1 LINE instantly. The potential is then locked forever.
Cubing it again will not change the potential nor tier. It does not even show hidden potential.
At first I thought that the auto magnifying glass function thing was causing it. After removing it, the problem still occurs... I scanned through the function again and again. I couldn't find any problems with it.
The server is just for me and maybe some of my schoolmates.
I hope someone can help me solve the cubing problem.
Just try copy and pasting cubing handlers from another source, most sources should have it working. If that don't work, just get a cubing NPC from somewhere and that should suffice.
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Just try copy and pasting cubing handlers from another source, most sources should have it working. If that don't work, just get a cubing NPC from somewhere and that should suffice.

I want to learn something, not just copy and paste. I tried searching for the useMagnify function in the source because the Helisium is based off Lithium, I thought that it might have it. If you could guide me that would be so great!

Also I remembered seeing additional potentials and sockets in the source. I tested sockets and they are working.
So I don't know if copy and pasting from other sources would WORK.
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Yeah, you should go there too.

@imAmplified, please post your useCashItem function or send me in pm, w/e you like.

Hi! Thanks for replying to my thread! I have a tad little bit of knowledge on Java and C++.
I use Java for Minecraft Hacked Clients and C++ for FPS hacks.

Yeah, you should go there too.

@imAmplified, please post your useCashItem function or send me in pm, w/e you like.

Also, could you please add my skype ? I can't seem to PM people. My skype is CaezerDaBoss

I know Java.
Well, at least the basics.
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Let me give you some hints and direct you towards solving your problems with cubes.

Firstly you have to consider what is the REAL problems. The problems lies with the fact that you have auto-magifying glass feature, or is it the cubes itself are not working correctly. I tell you straight your answers lies in equip.java. Like others have already mentioned to you, if you cant fix it, the best choice you have is to look at other sources, and copy from them. This cubing problem you are facing, is common among many public sources out there, so make sure you test the source you are leeching from before using their codes.

You die when you use dragon roar. What could be the problem again? Did you use skill maxer? If you did use skill maxer, could the problem not be from dragon roar, but other 'hidden skills' which you have maxed unintended. Test dragon roar by clicking the skills, and not use skill maxer, do you still get the same problem of dying when using skill maxer?

If dragon roar is working fine and the problem lies in skill maxer, what should fix skill maxer (Max Skill by Job is very buggy and causes more problem for you then the benefits it brings about).

If the problem is dragon roar, check your skills handling. No other public source has got problem with dragon roar, so either dump the source you are using, or again, leech the handler for dragon roar from any other sources.
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Let me give you some hints and direct you towards solving your problems with cubes.

Firstly you have to consider what is the REAL problems. The problems lies with the fact that you have auto-magifying glass feature, or is it the cubes itself are not working correctly. I tell you straight your answers lies in equip.java. Like others have already mentioned to you, if you cant fix it, the best choice you have is to look at other sources, and copy from them. This cubing problem you are facing, is common among many public sources out there, so make sure you test the source you are leeching from before using their codes.

You die when you use dragon roar. What could be the problem again? Did you use skill maxer? If you did use skill maxer, could the problem not be from dragon roar, but other 'hidden skills' which you have maxed unintended. Test dragon roar by clicking the skills, and not use skill maxer, do you still get the same problem of dying when using skill maxer?

If dragon roar is working fine and the problem lies in skill maxer, what should fix skill maxer (Max Skill by Job is very buggy and causes more problem for you then the benefits it brings about).

If the problem is dragon roar, check your skills handling. No other public source has got problem with dragon roar, so either dump the source you are using, or again, leech the handler for dragon roar from any other sources.

Thank you for replying. The Dragon Roar was because of Max Skills By Job. And, I checked. I removed the auto magnifying glass feature. It still bugs. The problem is not the magnifying glass, it is with the cube handling itself.
But I have no idea how to fix it. And I want to learn not leech.
Forgot, I also know that the problem lies with in Equip.java
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Then the next thing you have to do is

1) Check Max Skill by Job function. It was coded haphazardly. No one was willing to put that kind of time to hard code max skill by job from 1st job down to 4th job of every class. So a general method was used using a range of skill and the exclusion of GM skill. This causes a lot of skills to bug out due to an absurd amount of beginner skills you gain from max skill by job. The best way, and also the most tedious, is to hard code max skill by job specifically for every single job. Takes about half hr per character class when I did that.

2) Under equip.java there are coding for potential stats. Check those codes. There are severe mistakes within them.
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Then the next thing you have to do is

1) Check Max Skill by Job function. It was coded haphazardly. No one was willing to put that kind of time to hard code max skill by job from 1st job down to 4th job of every class. So a general method was used using a range of skill and the exclusion of GM skill. This causes a lot of skills to bug out due to an absurd amount of beginner skills you gain from max skill by job. The best way, and also the most tedious, is to hard code max skill by job specifically for every single job. Takes about half hr per character class when I did that.

2) Under equip.java there are coding for potential stats. Check those codes. There are severe mistakes within them.

Thank you. Do you have skype ?
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I still need help with my potential bug. It seems to be a problem with the cubes.
In useCashItem,
case 5062002: { //super miracle cube
if (c.getPlayer().getLevel() < 10) {
c.getPlayer().dropMessage(1, "You may not use this until level 10.");
} else {
final Item item = c.getPlayer().getInventory(MapleInventoryType.EQUIP).getItem((byte) slea.readInt());
if (item != null && c.getPlayer().getInventory(MapleInventoryType.USE).getNumFreeSlot() >= 1) {
final Equip eq = (Equip) item;
if (eq.getState() >= 17) {
eq.renewPotential(3, 0, (short) 0, false);
c.getPlayer().getMap().broadcastMessage(CField.showPotentialReset(c.getPlayer().getId(), true, itemId));
c.getSession().write(InventoryPacket.scrolledItem(toUse, MapleInventoryType.EQUIP, item, false, true));
c.getPlayer().forceReAddItem_NoUpdate(item, MapleInventoryType.EQUIP);
MapleCharacter chr = c.getPlayer();
MapleInventoryManipulator.addById(c, 2430481, (short) 1, "Cube" + " on " + FileoutputUtil.CurrentReadable_Date());
used = true;
} else {
c.getPlayer().dropMessage(5, "This item's Potential cannot be reset.");
} else {
c.getPlayer().getMap().broadcastMessage(CField.showPotentialReset(c.getPlayer().getId(), false, itemId));
The method, renewPotential,
public void renewPotential(int type, int line, int toLock, boolean bonus) { // 0 = normal miracle cube, 1 = premium, 2 = epic pot scroll, 3 = super, 5 = enlightening
int miracleRate = 1;
if (EventConstants.DoubleMiracleTime) {
miracleRate *= 2;
final int rank = type == 2 ? -18 : type == 5 ? (Randomizer.nextInt(100) < 3 * miracleRate && getState() != 20 ? -20 : Randomizer.nextInt(100) < 10 * miracleRate && getState() != 20 ? -(getState() + 1) : -(getState())) : (Randomizer.nextInt(100) < 4 * miracleRate && getState() != (type == 3 ? 20 : 19) ? -(getState() + 1) : -(getState())); // 4 % chance to up 1 tier
if (getPotential3() > 0) {
setPotential2(rank); // put back old 3rd line
} else {
switch (type) {
case 1: // premium-> suppose to be 25%
setPotential2(Randomizer.nextInt(10) == 0 ? rank : 0); //1/10 chance of 3 line
case 2: // epic pot
setPotential2(Randomizer.nextInt(10) <= 1 ? rank : 0); //2/10 chance of 3 line
case 3: // super
setPotential2(Randomizer.nextInt(10) <= 2 ? rank : 0); //3/10 chance of 3 line
case 4: // revolutionary
setPotential2(Randomizer.nextInt(10) <= 3 ? rank : 0); //4/10 chance of 3 line
case 5: // enlightening
setPotential2(Randomizer.nextInt(10) <= 2 ? rank : 0); //3/10 chance of 3 line
case 6: // master
if (!bonus) {
setBonusPotential1(Randomizer.nextInt(10) <= 2 ? rank : 0); //3/10 chance of 3 line
if (bonus) {
if (getBonusPotential2() > 0) {
setBonusPotential1(rank); // put back old 5th line
} else if (type == 6) { // super, revolutionary and enlightening
setBonusPotential1(Randomizer.nextInt(100) <= 1 ? rank : 0); // 2/100 to get 5 lines
} else {
setBonusPotential1(0); //just set it theoretically
setBonusPotential2(0); //just set it theoretically
switch (line) {
case 0:
//Don't lock
case 1:
setPotential1(-(toLock + line * 100000 + (rank > getState() ? 10000 : 0)));
case 2:
setPotential2(-(toLock + line * 100000));
case 3:
setPotential3(-(toLock + line * 100000));
System.out.println("[Hacking Attempt] Try to lock potential line which does not exists.");
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