Hellgate London AAARRRGGHH!!!

It looks alright I guess. Problem is idk alot about it. Is it a MMORPG (like you run around seeing everyone) or is it like a chat room then everyone gets together for a mission (like diablo ect ect). Another thing is I dont think I've seen gameplay video, only the trailer/opening video.

....and my pc wouldnt be able to handle it...
Hellgate: London † News

videos and screen shots there.

from what I knows and read it should be a free roaming MMORPG.

I saw some of the gameplay vids...well only 2 of them, and those were only about the specific classes.

Hum. From what I've heard, Hellgate: London's multiplayer (MMORPG) part will be p2p.
If I play I'll be a sword user mainly because I dont like first person view that much...
Original Post is posted by me and can be found at onrpg's foreign section.

The 3rd Class information has been release on the korean website.

Templar Class
Includes : Blademaster and Guardian
Flameingskull - Hellgate London AAARRRGGHH!!! - RaGEZONE Forums

Cabalist Class
Includes : Summoner and Evoker
Flameingskull - Hellgate London AAARRRGGHH!!! - RaGEZONE Forums

Hunter Class
Includes : Marksman and Engineer
Flameingskull - Hellgate London AAARRRGGHH!!! - RaGEZONE Forums

source: http://www.gameshot.net/common/con_view.php?code=GA4608a90c72746
I would like to be templar or cabalist. Templar mainly because its basic class, and cabalist because 'summoner'.