hello boys

Jan 1, 2003
Reaction score
Merry England
hello tyis is lee im not drunk and sic isnt drunk aswel, but my god the green stuffgf if gay it burns me isnsides i going now sic cant type now ok love you all my gf is talkin to me again this is sexy ex aka sexy exclamation the person that is yping now goodbye.

sic cn talk now goodnbye

his is sic talkin goodbye from ex,

-yo yo yo I'm 2wasted, This is fuckin awesome, .Cap u r a shit this is awsome we r pissed and happy. It is gr8 and Ex is wastewed. It's cool. we r havi n mint time cya later y'all
MentaL said:

My fav word :D

...im not alcholic...i can stop anytime i swear *cracks open another beer*
QuikS said:
lol so did u get drunk then

omg me and sic got sooo frikkin drunk lol
this guy had me drinking this green shit that was 68% alcohol i was fooked lol
took loadsa pics 2 will upload them when i get back home as im childminding atm
got pics of me drinking sic drinking, me almost dieing after the green stuff, sic being sick, short mov of sic being sick lol
sic crashed out on the grass in the rain sic alseep with lipstick all over him etc etc :D